The Captive Cause - Discover Your CallingMostra

The Captive Cause - Discover Your Calling

Dia 2 de 7

Day 2 – Called to Remain in Him

For Day 1 we focused on the idea that you are called to Him, and today we are going to delve a little deeper into that thought.

We are created as body, soul, and spirit. Designed and created by God to reflect His image. If you imagine body, soul, and spirit as intersecting circles, there is a space in the middle where all three of these areas of our lives intersect. It is the place where all three areas are working together and create a perfect working environment for the Holy Spirit to dwell. In that place, the Holy Spirit uncovers His purpose for our lives.

This purpose is rooted in the call that we have to Him as His children, His dearly beloved, as those whom He created as a masterpiece to be a part of the earth and a part of the Kingdom of God.

John 15 is a beautiful picture of the vine and the branches. In this illustration, Jesus, the gardener, calls us to remain in Him. The result of us remaining in Him is that He will grow us and nourish us, He will direct us, and at times, He will prune us. And this is all part of the call that God has on our lives to be His disciples, His children, and His people.

Many of us have had seasons when we have attended church on Sundays, prayed at prayer meetings, maybe done a devotion in the morning, and then walked through the rest of the week with little if any reference to God. This is not what it looks like to remain connected to the vine.

If we separate ourselves from the vine at any point in time, we are not walking in alignment with the design that God has for us day to day. The point of the vine is to keep us grounded and founded in Him, to stay true to the initial call that He gave us, to abide and remain connected to the source of life, the source of strength, the reason for our life, and the one who gives our lives meaning and purpose.

From this place, we are called to work out the purpose, projects, and pursuits that God places before us. Because “apart from me [Jesus], you can do nothing“ (John 15:5). Nothing is worth doing if it is not found in Him first.

Ask yourself the following questions:

Is there anything that you are doing ‘apart from Him’?

How can you make changes to bring this into alignment with the Holy Spirit or cut it from your life?

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Sobre aquest pla

The Captive Cause - Discover Your Calling

"What is my Calling?" If you've been in church for a while (or even a little bit) chances are you've heard this question before... but what does it all mean, and how do we even find our calling? Over the next seven days, we are going to explore this idea. We will ‘bust some myths’ and become confident and secure in the call of God on our lives.
