14 Days of Strength in Any StruggleMostra

14 Days of Strength in Any Struggle

Dia 12 de 14

When the World Feels Like Too Much by Robin Dance

What are we to do when our world no longer makes sense? What are those who follow Jesus to do? I believe an old refrain holds the key:

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.

A while back, I had the sweet privilege of serving women in my area as a leader for a community Bible study. Before we’d meet every Thursday, our leadership team began by singing this familiar chorus.

Tendering our hearts in song was effective. The things of earth—never-ending to-do lists, work deadlines, disagreements among friends, challenges with children, arguments with a spouse, health concerns, financial pressures, the clatter of politics, even some of our anxieties and feeling not enough—grow strangely dim. Our worries wither under the blaze of God’s glory. When we focus on Jesus instead of circumstances, our circumstances may not change, but we sure do.

I know what it’s like to wander around and feel lost, wrestle in a sea of doubt, and question beliefs you once held dear. And while I don’t know what’s going on with you personally, I know all of us are affected by what’s going on in the world.

How can we possibly handle it? We can’t. We aren’t even supposed to—that’s why we have a Savior! Isn’t that liberating?

Let’s remind one another that the gospel is good news. When we are mindful of who God is and what He has accomplished in our lives and our world; when we trust that He is good and loves us without condition; when we study His Word, claim His promises, and accept the forgiveness He offers; when we believe that He holds the whole world in His hands; when we turn our eyes upon Jesus, we will find peace.

To me, focusing on Jesus isn’t just one way we can best handle a world that feels crazy. It’s the only way.

I lift up my eyes to You, to You who sit enthroned in heaven. PSALM 123:1 NIV

Where are you finding God’s strength today?


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14 Days of Strength in Any Struggle

What if you could see God clearer and know Him deeper in the middle of your struggles? You don’t have to keep trying to muster up more grit, willpower, or wisdom on your own. You can tap into the source of true, unfailing strength. How? In this 14-day Bible reading plan, you’ll discover where strength really comes from―Jesus, who holds everything together.
