Love Is a Verb!Mostra

Love Is a Verb!

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In John 14:15, Jesus speaks directly to his disciples and says, "If you love me, keep my commands." And what are his commands? In John 13:34, Jesus commands us to love one another as He has loved us. This command may seem difficult to follow at times, but as a follower of Christ, you are called to love unconditionally, just as He has loved you.

In these verses, Jesus shares a clear message about the importance of love and obedience in your relationship with Him. Your love for Him should be evident through your actions.

As Christians, it's easy to get distracted following a list of do's and don'ts. True obedience comes from a heart that is filled with love for Jesus. When you truly love Him, you will naturally love others and treat them with the same love and kindness that He has shown you.

So don't just be hearers of this word, but doers. Be known for your love, just as Jesus commanded.

Think It Over!

Are you known for your love?


Heavenly Father, May my love for Christ be evident in the way I love others. Empower me to keep Your commands and show the world the love of Christ through my actions. May I be transformed by His love and extend it to those around me. In Jesus name, Amen.

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