Pray While You’re Prey Devotion Plan For Singles, Part VIMostra

Pray While You’re Prey Devotion Plan For Singles, Part VI

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Who Can Quench My Thirst For Love?

Quote from Pray While You’re Prey:

“Some of the most beautiful love poetry and stories can be found right in the Bible. If you’re looking for a good romance novel, thumb through Song of Solomon sometime….I mean, I wouldn’t mind having a man after me who thought that “many waters cannot quench love; neither can the floods drown it.”

Have you ever read Song of Solomon? Some of it is a bit racy and, admittedly, could make you uncomfortable. Nevertheless, the book has some of the most beautiful representations of love and courtship that have ever been written in any literary work.

In Chapter 8, verse 7, it says, “Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away.” That is some deep love!

You know when you are thirsty, I mean dehydrated, it seems like nothing will satisfy your thirst. You may drink a soda, and it is sweet, but you are still thirsting for something else. You may drink milk, and it can usually take away a bad taste in your mouth or soothe a burning mouth, but you still are not satisfied. You can drink juice and you usually feel good about its nutrients, but it does not fill you. You can drink tea or coffee and they make you feel all warm and fuzzy and give you energy, but the thirst is not quenched. When you are really thirsty, the only thing that will satisfy that thirst is pure, unadulterated water.

For a lot of my life, I was thirsty for love. For as long as I can remember, I just wanted to have a boyfriend to date or a husband to marry. My whole existence became my search for the perfect mate. I have dated sweet guys who have made me feel beautiful and smart. They told me everything I longed to hear, so that they could get what they wanted from me. And, after my experiences with them, I felt empty. None of my relationships could quench my thirst for love. I found out why.

The innate desire that we have to love and be loved comes from being formed in the image of God and Christ. God is Love.

Jesus Christ is Love. No man or woman can satisfy a Christian’s need for love. Only the Living Water will end the thirsting in your soul. You can drink a whole entire river of potential mates, have floods and floods of dates, but until you fall wholly and completely in love with the true and living God, no other love (or like or lust) will be satisfying. It is in Him alone that we find the sole satisfaction for our souls.

Once, we know that love and fully experience that level of love, we will not feel thirsty, whether in a relationship or single. Any relationship that comes our way will be an added bonus, but even if we do not have a relationship with a significant other, we can still feel full and whole.


Thank You, God, for loving me with a love with which no other can compare.

Please forgive me for longing for something or someone else to satisfy a thirst that is only quenched by You. 

Lord, please help me to know that I am whole with Your love and Your love alone.

In Jesus’ Name,


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Pray While You’re Prey Devotion Plan For Singles, Part VI

From the book, “Pray While You’re Prey: How God Turned my Loneliness and Frustration into Contentment and Commitment,” this Bible plan provides an uplifting look through Scripture during seasons of singleness, bringing encouragement to you and others while honoring God.
