Music: Scripture Songs of Healing (Part II)Mostra

Music: Scripture Songs of Healing (Part II)

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Day 4: Psalm 103 - Oh My Soul, Bless God

David, a man after God's own heart but a far cry from a flawless man, knows the heart of His God. This is a man who knows his Friend intimately. Mind you, this is the Old Testament. No Jesus in sight yet.

Still, David describes God as someone who forgives ALL your sins, heals ALL your diseases, saves your life, crowns you with love and mercy, fills you with goodness, and renews your youth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the East is from the West.

A father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. (NLT)

I can see why God was fond of David, right? :)

David just described Jesus. That's why Jesus said, whoever has seen me has seen the Father.

We've all been in a situation, or maybe you are right now, where this God who David describes seems far away, aloof, or not even listening to us. Longing and praying for healing, without already experiencing it or seeing it manifested.

In those situations, it's good to remember these words and to tell your soul, to tell yourself: praise and bless God, oh my soul, with all that I am. Oh, my soul, bless God!

PS. For this Psalm, I've used the beautiful Message translation. But to be honest, it's a beautiful Psalm in any translation ;)

Psalm 103 – Oh My Soul, Bless God

1. O my soul, bless God.
From head to toe, I’ll bless His holy name!

2. O my soul, bless God,
don’t forget a single blessing!

3. He forgives your sins — every one.
He heals your diseases — every one.

6. God makes everything come out right;

4. He crowns you with love and mercy.

5. He wraps you in goodness.
He renews your youth —
you’re always young in His presence.

12. And as far as sunrise is from sunset,
He has separated us from our sins.

22. Bless God, all creatures, wherever you are—
everything and everyone made by God.

And you, O my soul, bless God!


Song by Xander Stok, Project of Love
Words from Psalm 103 - The Message (MSG)

This is the last day of this plan. Thank you for reading & singing the bible with us! ❤️🔥
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Music: Scripture Songs of Healing (Part II)

Project of Love is the Bible in song. This plan contains four beautiful bible songs about healing. All words are 100% scripture put to song. One chapter, one song every day. Project of Love has the mission to put all books of the Bible to song. Hear & proclaim the amazing Words of the Father sung to and over you - Words of Life, sung to life!
