Daniel: A Strong Man Is FaithfulMostra

Daniel: A Strong Man Is Faithful

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Faithful in Challenges

Yesterday, we saw that Daniel made the courageous choice to stand for his biblical convictions. But now he was required to act.

There are two extreme responses to the Holy Spirit’s convictions. The first extreme is the man who acts on the conviction immediately, but his overly passionate approach leaves devastation in his path. Thus, he and others suffer. The second extreme is the man who hesitates to act on the conviction, and his passivity leaves destruction in his path. Thus, he and others suffer.

But Daniel provided a superior model. He showed respect by speaking to his superior directly about his conviction. He went privately because he knew his conviction could be interpreted as disrespectful. To reject the provision of the king was to reject the king. And so, Daniel, while passionate, had to regulate his passion.

I think a lot of strong men forget this. We believe our passion gives us the right to be disrespectful. But it doesn’t. We can be passionately in favor of something, strongly disagree with those on the other side, and yet still speak to them respectfully.

Daniel had to verbalize his beliefs, even if it cost him his life. So he made them known, not just to his three buds, but also to the person who had the power to initiate change. And he presented them diplomatically. He took a stand but spoke in a way that would encourage Ashpenaz to listen.

Daniel also presented a solution. He was in a predicament, but he knew his request would present a dilemma for his superior. So instead of just describing a problem, he offered a solution—a substitute meal plan.

Daniel gives us an incredible example of how to approach challenges by being respectful, tactful, and solution-oriented. And it worked. Now, this is not guaranteed to work every time. There are plenty of instances, such as in the New Testament, when strong men approached a challenge in a good way and yet were stoned, crucified, or beheaded. But that doesn’t change the fact that what Daniel did was right. As Paul urges us in 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, “Be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.”

ASK THIS: What situation do you need to approach differently today?

DO THIS: How could you display respect and offer a solution?

PRAY THIS: God, help me to be bold, wise, and loving in this situation. Amen.

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Daniel: A Strong Man Is Faithful

What does it look like to remain faithful to God in a difficult environment? Daniel’s story begins when he is taken into captivity as a teenager. He became a refugee in Babylonia under King Nebuchadnezzar, who led the greatest superpower nation that had ever existed. Daniel’s life under Nebuchadnezzar teaches us how to remain faithful in the hardest situations and find joy even in suffering.
