A Glimpse of Infinity - 30 Days of Photography & PrayersMostra

A Glimpse of Infinity - 30 Days of Photography & Prayers

Dia 26 de 30



Father God, Your name is worthy of all praise, and Your glory extends over all the earth. We await the great day when every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, will say, “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!” (Revelation 5:13).

By Your Spirit, help us to draw near to You today, knowing that You see every single aspect of our lives, and You are intricately knowledgeable about every situation we find ourselves in. Help us to praise Your great name through prayer and lifting our praises to You.


Am I willing to surrender my circumstances to God and trust in His wisdom and knowledge?


  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Ray’s Camera Settings: 280mm, ISO 100, 1/320s, f/7.1
Dia 25Dia 27

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A Glimpse of Infinity - 30 Days of Photography & Prayers

A Glimpse of Infinity will inspire, challenge, and encourage you through a unique combination of photography, prayer, and Scripture. Each day includes a memorable photo taken by author and photographer Ray Majoran, paired with a short prayer devotional and Scripture passage. In addition to this 30-day plan, consider reading our other theme-based Glimpse of Infinity plans on YouVersion.
