The Chosen + BibleProject | Season 3 Reading PlanMostra

The Chosen + BibleProject | Season 3 Reading Plan

Dia 1 de 6

Trusting God’s Generosity

The deceptive yet popular story in our world is one of scarcity, convincing us that resources are limited. That story makes us stingy or anxious, causing us to see others as competition or obstacles to getting what we need. But Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount invites people to live according to a different story, one built on trust in God’s generosity.

When Jesus says, “Do not be anxious about your life,” he is likely not talking about anxiety disorders. In the sermon, Jesus invites us to think deeply about the times that we choose to worry. He’s saying that choosing to worry leads to nothing good. Worrying about things like food, shelter, and clothing can be an energizing, adrenaline-pumping experience. It can make us feel alive and responsible, but it quickly turns corrosive.

Instead, he asks us to consider the birds that God cares for and the way nature works when operating properly. God is a good provider, he says. Not only is he aware of all our needs, he is also the creator who cares for them—generously.

When we live with trust in God and his generous provision for his creation, we will begin to see opportunities for generosity everywhere. We can start sharing with others, not out of obligation but because we trust in God. When we live like this, we can enter a way of peacefulness and freedom, experiencing and giving God’s generous life for all.

Reflection Questions

  1. Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:25-34 were spoken before humanity had come to terms with the difference between choosing to worry and feeling worry in an uncontrollable way. For example, people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often experience extreme, crippling anxiety that is automatically triggered by certain situations. How would you describe the difference between suffering from an anxiety disorder and suffering from the choice to worry about food, clothing, or shelter?
  2. What are some moments in your life when a sense of scarcity in the world compelled you to worry? What would have been different if you had chosen to embrace trust in God’s generosity in those moments?
  3. Imagine a world where everyone trusted in God’s generosity. What would property ownership look like in that world? How would you use your money, shelter, and possessions if you knew that you would never be in a situation where you didn’t have enough?


Dia 2

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The Chosen + BibleProject | Season 3 Reading Plan

The Chosen and BibleProject designed this plan to help people reflect on the surprising identity of Jesus and the nature of the Kingdom of God, as presented in the gospels. This six-day plan incorporates clips from season 3 of The Chosen, BibleProject animated videos, summaries, reflection questions, and Scripture readings. Choose this plan to explore how different people responded to Jesus, whether with offense, doubt, or trust.
