I AmMostra

I Am

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When You Feel Powerless

Feeling powerless is one of the most frustrating and sometimes even terrifying experiences we have as humans. Whether we are being pushed around by a person in authority, seeing a loved one suffer through a health crisis we can’t change, or feeling overwhelmed by the number of people suffering around the world, we hate feeling like we have no control.

We might seek power to overcome limitations and insecurities or some other obstacle or challenge we face in life. But what does real power look like? When I mention the word power, what comes to mind?

The Bible is alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb. 4:12). We need to get into God’s Word and let His Word get into us. Reading the Bible is the first step, but then we need to go beyond that and meditate on His Word. Psalm 1 says that when we mediate on God’s Word, we will be fruitful like a tree planted by streams of water (vv. 2–3). We have to read it, meditate on it, and memorize it.

God’s Word holds so much power that speaking His promises over whatever you face can change everything for you. Read, meditate, and memorize His Word and begin speaking that power into your life.

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