Distractions Causing Distance [From God]Mostra

Distractions Causing Distance [From God]

Dia 1 de 4


There is no greater oxymoron for people-loving extroverts (like me) than “social distancing!” Society adopted this methodology to keep us safe, but I—like most—enjoy sharing the love of God through a warm embrace. What if I told you that there is a type of “distancing” that (ironically) can cause us harm? That is, a distant relationship with our Heavenly Father.

There is hope! Join me on this four-day devotion as we discuss how to defeat three daily distractions that distance us from Christ!


Be Free from Condemnation!

We are currently living in unprecedented times! We have wildfires, a pandemic, social unrest, and the list goes on and on. During these times, we may feel a bit distant from Christ—I know I have felt that way plenty of times. In fact, there were times that I felt I really wandered away from Christ! Is that you right now? Do you feel like you are too far gone to pray? Are you so overwhelmed with your guilt and shame that you cannot feel the love of God? Are you having a hard time connecting through God’s Word because of mistakes you have made? I understand; I have been there.

The last time I was in that moment—sulking in embarrassment and guilt—God freed me through His Word by reminding me of His Grace, Love, and Compassion. So I have a quick opening message for you even if you are feeling distant right now—our Heavenly Father loves you unconditionally, and He still wants a relationship with you!

Before we can learn to defeat distractions, we must be free from our own condemnation (or very strong disapproval; punishment) and truly understand and embrace God’s Love for us. Let’s talk about God’s Love for a bit.

God’s Love is Free(ing)

Ephesians 2:8 (AMP) tells us, “For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this [Salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] Gift of God.”

I absolutely love free stuff! I know most people call me cheap but don’t judge me. For example, one day while I was in college, I ordered food at a drive-thru restaurant. I was very excited to get my go-to college student value meal. When I approached the window to pay, the young lady said, “Your meal has already been paid for.” I would’ve done a flip in excitement if I were skilled enough to do so without injuring myself. “Wow!” I thought, “Why would a stranger give me a free gift?”

When I reminisce on that day, I realize how happy that free meal made me (I saved about $3), but when I think about the free Gift that Christ gave us (He saved my life) exuberant joy begins to overwhelm me. You know what’s amazing? Christ gave us this free Gift because He loves us and this undeserved Gift frees us from the oppression (or control) and judgment associated with sin. Now that’s a double-double to get excited about! So don’t beat yourself up when you mess up. Ask God for forgiveness, brush yourself off, and be free!

God’s Love is Unexplainable

John 10:11-18 reminds us that our Heavenly Father has given us an unexplainable (and seemingly illogical) Love. Imagine this, you are sitting in an open field watching sheep. The weather is beautiful, and you are basking in the sun while enjoying an ice-cold cup of lemonade. Out of nowhere, a wolf comes to take one of the one hundred sheep you are watching! I know what you are thinking, “Well, 99% isn’t bad!” I mean really, who wants to fight a wolf for that one sheep? The Good Shepherd does!

He is always willing to lay down His life for us and will even leave the ninety-nine to save the one [wandering] sheep (Matthew 18:12)! My human mind cannot comprehend that kind of Love, but I am extremely grateful that Christ is willing to sacrifice for you and me!

God’s Love is Unconditional

Now this aspect of God’s Love is truly amazing! We humans tend to have a limit when dealing with others. “You better not cross my [proverbial] line or it is over…dead…finito. You will henceforth and forever be excommunicated from my life!” Yep, God is definitely not like us, and here comes the amazing part: in God’s Eyes, nothing can separate us from His Love!

Paul asks in Romans 8:35 (NLT), “Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?” Then Paul answers in verse 39, “No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Read it again! No matter where you are from or what you have done, nothing can separate you from the Love of God!

Walk confidently today as you embrace God’s amazing Grace and Love! Never again condemn yourself for your mistakes; instead, embrace the free, unexplainable, and unconditional Love of our Heavenly Father!


Heavenly Father, thank You for the free, unconditional Love that You have given us. Though we can never truly comprehend it, we know that Your Love and Grace are what allow us to be free from the crushing oppression of sin. Father, please forgive me for the things I have done that were not pleasing to You, and help me to overcome the temptations that arise today. Father, thank You for removing the guilt, shame, and condemnation from my life and preparing me to grow closer to You. Amen.

Thanks for reading! We will see you tomorrow for Day 2: Worry!

Dia 2

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Distractions Causing Distance [From God]

There are so many distractions that exist to distance us from our family, our friends, and, most importantly, our Heavenly Father. In this 4-day devotion, we will learn to defeat three daily distractions and allow our loving Father to restore our connection with Him and others!
