7 Key Points of the Gospel (Taken From Paul’s Letter to the Romans)Mostra

7 Key Points of the Gospel (Taken From Paul’s Letter to the Romans)

Dia 8 de 8

Key Point 7: Freedom is found only in obedience to the Lord Jesus

Having been set free from sin, [you] have become slaves of righteousness.” (Romans 6:18)

A final question that many people consider is: What makes us free? Does freedom mean that we get to decide for ourselves what to think and do? Does absolute autonomy lead to complete freedom and happiness? No, says Paul. Then you are in fact a slave to your own sinful passions (Romans 6:17). For we humans are always influenced and driven by something or someone. Peter says of people who encourage autonomy apart from God, “They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption” (2 Peter 2:19).

However, when we give Jesus Christ control of our lives and allow ourselves to be guided by God's commandments, we discover that these commandments do not oppress and constrain us, but rather provide orientation in life. The Holy Spirit wants to help us live joyfully according to these guidelines. That is true freedom!

Paul’s message was perceived by many as ‘foolishness.’ Even today, the Gospel evokes resistance because it is so counter-cultural and contrary to many fundamental beliefs. How is that with you? Do you believe that the seven key points we have studied are true? What does that mean in practice for your life?

Thanks for completing this reading plan. We hope it answered some of your questions. If you’d like to learn more about the Christian faith, subscribe to our e-course “BibleBasics ” or visit our website www.biblword.net

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