[What the Spirit Says] Letter to EphesusMostra

[What the Spirit Says] Letter to Ephesus

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Repent and Return

Jesus, ever full of mercy and grace, warns the church. He says, “Repent and do the things that you did at first. If you don’t, I will remove your lampstand.” Jesus would remove the effectiveness, anointing, intimacy, influence, and ministry of that church. Removing the lampstand may also mean, “I’m going to remove My glory, My Spirit from you.” This is why David prayed, “Take not Your Spirit from me” (Psalm 51:11). The name Ichabod means the glory has left (1 Samuel 4:21).

See, where there is no love, there is no light. Tragically, it is possible for a church to function without the Holy Spirit. Healthy things grow, but so do weeds and cancer. Growth is possible with talented people and money for programs and weekly entertainment. But what you get is a club, Christian in name only. It will be a cruise ship for the comfortable. The danger of leaving your first love is becoming a church where the glory has left.

After encouraging the Ephesians to repent, Jesus compliments them for hating the Nicolaitans. Who were they? The Nicolaitans were immoral, idolatrous people. They promoted unrestrained indulgence and conformed to pagan culture. They claimed to present an improved version of Christianity even as they deceived and destroyed it. That’s why the church in Ephesus had to test the message and works of those who claimed to be apostles. Our God seriously hates sin. He expects His people to hate sin, too.

Jesus warns the church to repent, to return, and do the works it did at first, the ones that were the fruit of its first love. Don’t make serving and giving to God optional. Love God so much you can’t help yourself. Remember how you used to spend time with God? Remember the joy of getting together with other Christians? Don’t make Sundays in His presence and with His people optional. Remember how excited you were about telling others about Jesus? How you prayed? How you read His Word?

Jesus ends His message for the church in Ephesus with a final exhortation referring to the Tree of Life in Genesis 3. Remember, repent, and return, for this leads to life.

Jesus, renew my passion for You. Fill me with Your Spirit. Help me remember who Whose I am and to serve You with energy and enthusiasm.

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[What the Spirit Says] Letter to Ephesus

In Revelation, John wrote letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor. This fascinating book of apocalyptic literature has meaning for our lives today. John’s whole prophecy is primarily about Jesus Christ. It provides a vision of God’s ultimate purpose for humanity. In this plan, we will explore Jesus’ message to the church in Ephesus.
