The Issues of LifeMostra

The Issues of Life

Dia 8 de 8

Heart Health - Relationships

The Exercise of Relationships. The right relationships open your life up to a world of learning, encouragement and accountability. You need relationships. Strong support from family and friends is essential for keeping your heart strong in the middle of life’s challenges. While I acknowledge that people are on different levels emotionally, it is important to note that if someone insists on locking himself in a house and not relating with anyone, that person’s heart will most likely grow dark. Yes, people have hurt you and trust has been broken. However, we were created for connections. We were created for relationships. And having fifty thousand friends on social media does not quite qualify as having real authentic relationships. We must be intentional about building authentic relationships and real communities.

David wanted to walk with God, to be in a relationship with God. David’s objective in Psalm 51 was repentance. Hearing God say, ‘Your sins are forgiven, I will not punish you for it’, was great but David wanted more. And that was one of the differences between Saul and David. Saul wanted to look good in front of men, but David was particular about his heart. Psalm 51:11 “Do not banish me from your presence, and don’t take your Holy Spirit from me.” It was the presence of God, a relationship with God that was priority to David.

Remember, repentance gives us access to the mercies of God - the mercy of restoration of a relationship with God. David longed for God’s presence. And because a relationship with God was important to David, he said in Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.” In other words, David was saying, ‘Lord, let’s be friends again. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, the joy of friendship with God’.

Proverbs 4:23 “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” (NKJV). Above all else, guard your heart by engaging the exercise of rest, reflection, recreation, repentance and the exercise of relationships. If you do these five things, your heart will be incredibly healthy. Has your heart grown dark and cold? I pray that God will give you a new heart and a right spirit, in Jesus Name. Which of these exercises do you need to engage? Do not put it off till later, start today.

1. What do you need to talk to God about based on today’s reading?

2.Write out one action to take based on today’s reading.

Dia 7

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The Issues of Life

The heart, spiritual and physical, requires attention. God says you are to guard your heart with all diligence above all else because of all the issues of life that flows from your heart during the course of your life. Start this 8 day heart-walk by Femi Monehin.
