Overlooked: Finding Your Worth When You Feel All AloneMostra

Overlooked: Finding Your Worth When You Feel All Alone

Dia 4 de 5

Day 4: God-Centered Confidence

If you’ve struggled with feeling overlooked, you likely have a complicated relationship with confidence.

If you’re like me, we’ve had our confidence shattered too many times by people who have left us feeling unseen, unqualified, or unwanted. The truth is, self-confidence is unreliable. It’s based primarily on circumstances: the right friends, just the perfect amount of affirmation, a few lost pounds and a sized-down jean. But these things can easily change and leave us feeling more self-conscious than ever.

We need confidence that is deep, consistent, and enduring. This is the confidence that comes from living in the gaze of the God Who Sees. But there’s an art to living with God-confidence. You might wonder, what does this practically look like?

We find our answers in an unlikely place in the story of Moses. You probably think of Moses as a biblical superstar. And he is! But the Moses we see in Exodus 4 is a man who is deeply self-conscious and arguing with God.

When God asked Moses to deliver the Israelites from Pharaoh at the burning bush, Moses responded with three reasons why he was the wrong man for the job

  1. “But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice.
  2. “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.”
  3. “Oh, my Lord, please send someone else.”

Moses questioned, what will they think? He told God he was unqualified for the job. And he was convinced that God chose the wrong person. Sound familiar?

Thank goodness God didn’t give up on Moses. He stayed persistent despite Moses’s fears, weaknesses, and lack of confidence.

In following God, Moses learned the powerful secret to organically growing confidence. It’s a secret I want us to grab hold of, too. Confidence grows when we step out with nothing to hold us but God’s hands and watch him catch us over and over again.

Moses became one of the most confident leaders in history not because he was naturally talented, eloquent, or confident. He led well because he learned how to follow a God who always comes through.

That’s the same lasting confidence we have access to today.

Father, help me grow in God-centered confidence by trusting you to come through in situations when I feel weak, self-conscious, and afraid.

Dia 3Dia 5

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Overlooked: Finding Your Worth When You Feel All Alone

Have you ever wondered: Does anybody see me? Our social media-obsessed society is proof that people everywhere long to be seen. But this self-promoting system leaves many feeling overlooked. In this study, you’ll discover how the God Who Sees satisfies our longing to be seen and learn practical ways to live seen by walking in obedience, confidence, and intimacy with Christ.
