"I Am"Mostra

"I Am"

Dia 2 de 7

I am the light of the world.

Pierre-Paul Thomas was born blind. He had a congenital condition that damaged his optic nerve and he had severe cataracts. Surgeries to fix his eyes during childhood were unsuccessful, and after decades of living in the darkness, he had given up hope of ever seeing.

But at age 68, he took a frightening tumble down the stairs and needed reconstructive surgery. In the hospital, he spoke with a plastic surgeon who casually asked him if he wanted his eyes fixed while they made other repairs from his fall. He was stunned that after a lifetime of blindness, it was possible that he would be able to see for the first time in his life.

Even though Thomas’ surgery was successful, it doesn’t appear that his spiritual condition underwent the same transformation as his physical one. How tragic if only his physical eyes were healed, and he remained in spiritual darkness. But seeing doesn’t always equal believing.

One example of remaining in darkness is found in one of the brightest scenes in the Bible.

It was during the Feast of Booths (also called Tabernacles), and Jesus and his disciples were among the crowds on the temple grounds and in the Court of Women. During this celebration, the enclosed courtyard was illuminated by four large oil stands or candelabras. Historians say that the light cast from this celebration was so bright it could be seen from miles away.

The feast commemorated Israel’s desert wanderings and the miraculous light that led them for forty years. The vast illumination was a reminder of God’s provision and protection of the Israelites through the wilderness with the pillars of fire and cloud.

It was here, next to the court of Gentiles, Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12).

The irony is that the Pharisees, who were standing in the blazing light of the courtyard, and in the very presence of the Light of the World, remained in spiritual darkness. They were confronted with light, and yet they bristled at his claim and tried to discount his words.

Do you know the light of the world? At first, his light might be uncomfortable, like a spotlight turned on in a dark room. But as your spiritual eyes are opened, you see him as the answer to all of life. For the Pharisees and also for Thomas, physical seeing doesn’t always equal the spiritual kind. But once the light of the world breaks through our darkness, we find him to be all the light we ever need.


  • In this passage, Jesus used physical light to illustrate a spiritual truth. What is your spiritual condition right now? Are you in the light or in the darkness?
  • God provided light in the wilderness to show his people the way. How has the Light of the World illuminated your path?
  • Light opens eyes. How has the Light of the World opened your eyes to see him as Lord?
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Sobre aquest pla

"I Am"

One of the most profound names of God is, “I Am.” God revealed this name to Moses at the burning bush. But who is this mysterious and all-powerful “I am?” Jesus revealed his divine nature and heart toward us through seven “I am” statements in the book of John. Just as his name implies, discover how the great “I am” provides everything we need to love and follow him.
