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Worship Without Walls

Dia 5 de 7

You Are God's Temple

A prevalent phrase is used on Sundays in Christian circles when preparing to go to church. I use it too and often catch myself telling or texting someone the following, "I am getting ready to go to church." That phrase, though simple, may reveal that I am going to a building to connect with like-minded individuals to worship God. The implication is that as members of Christ's body, we must engage our connection with God's presence before we "go to church." There is nothing wrong with preparing for Church or going to Church as long as we understand that we are the church and carriers and executors of worship. Our worship should be location-based in a group setting and an individual heartfelt and steadfast focus on God.

In John 4:21, Jesus mentions this in His interaction with the Samaritan woman. The physical place or location of worship, as Jesus explained, was not the primary emphasis because a shift was coming as God was making a move towards establishing His habitation in man as a way to connect more with His loved creations. Christ's resurrection made it possible for this shift, which began a new worship order with new requirements and practices. The believer is God's temple now.

Paul writes to the Corinthian church and asks them this question: Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? (1 Corinthians 3:16).

A temple is a location where spiritual rituals occur. It's a place of awe and a portal between man and God. In the Old Testament, the temple represented the presence of God, the dwelling place of God where the Jews offered sacrifices for sins and where God revealed Himself to His people. In Jesus' time and presently, people traveled long distances to temples for various reasons. However, regardless of our grounds for visiting a temple, we must realize as believers that God has moved His address from buildings to bodies. The portals for cosmic connections with God have moved from buildings made with hands to bodies created by God.

Paul further writes in 1 Corinthians 6:19 and reaffirms this fact by stating that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who lives within us. Sometimes, it is hard to comprehend how a majestic God can live in earthly vessels. However, God's willingness to display His love to us made it possible for us to host His presence and enjoy a union with Him beyond human understanding.

1 Peter 2:5 says, "You like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."

Apostle Peter is giving us our next steps by telling us that worship is not some boring engagement you experience in a particular physical location but a spiritual house built in holiness to offer sacrifices to God. Therefore while we prepare to go to the places of worship, let us not forget to live a life of worship by honoring and presenting ourselves to God daily in complete surrender because we are the place of worship, His temple, and not our own.

Lord, help us to realize that as we carry your presence as temples, You carry us closer in worship without walls or distractions.

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Worship Without Walls

Reinvigorate your life as you follow God through Worship. This plan will help you in your daily quest to worship God as it reveals that worship is not just a physical activity within walled spaces but a boundless spiritual force that reinvigorates our spirits. Let's engage in the flexibility of worship as we stretch the boundaries of its impact on our lives.
