Week of Prayer - Joy - the Foundational Melody of the Kingdom of GodMostra

Week of Prayer - Joy - the Foundational Melody of the Kingdom of God

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Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God (Acts 2,46-47a)


How do we express joy over God's goodness? By thanking Him and sharing our joy with other people. Yet, sometimes, the question «Does anyone else have a testimony?» irritates us. In moments like these, awkward silence often falls. We look around and hope that others might have something to say.

So, what’s wrong here? Maybe it’s simply not the correct setting; should it be arranged differently? Would it be easier if we shared a meal; is it then easier to express joy over the great acts of God? Or is the reason to be found in the lack of culture to express oneself in public and to rejoice together in God’s goodness?

In the Bible, we are encouraged to remember God's great acts, to rejoice in them, and to give Him praise and thanks for them (cf. Ps. 103,2; Eph 5,20). And we shouldn’t do so in silence. We should share joy and memories with each other!

Our «news culture» nowadays does just the same. Yet, mostly it reports negative, critical, and threatening news. That’s the «objectivity» expected and demanded in modern times. However, this doesn’t lead to shared joy, but to fear and mistrust – and as a consequence, often also to loneliness.

It is, in fact, the case that shared happiness is double joy. Anyone who reads Peter's sermon on Pentecost (cf. Acts 2,14-36) realizes that telling stories accomplishes something. Stories draw a thread from the past to the present and convey meaning. They reveal a perspective for the future to us and make transitions possible. In the context of Acts of the Apostles, this was initially true for around 3000 people; then others joined continuously. Yet we see throughout the Bible how great importance is placed on the repeated and shared telling of stories. The Holy Communion is particularly illustrative of this. Also, a shared meal opens up room for storytelling.

The sharing of stories creates joy. And this joy gives perseverance, courage, and perspective in any given situation to go into the future with hope. All of this brings joy. Does anyone have a testimony after all?


· How can I contribute more often and tell stories that «create joy» for the community?

· How can I develop my capability in storytelling and thereby increasingly create opportunities to create joy?

· What can I rejoice in right now, and with whom can I share this now?


· That God helps us to remember what He has done for us and how we can share this with others.

· That we may shape a culture that focuses first on what is joyful and encouraging.

· For ideas and creativity on regularly sharing what is beautiful, good, joyful, and encouraging.

· That we may take one thing from the questions for reflection above and implement it in our lives.


Father in heaven, giver of all good gifts. You are our joy. You know how often we focus on negative things and let them rob our joy.

Yet Jesus says to his disciples and us: «So with you: now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.» (John 16,22-23)

You give joy to Your disciples and us and fill us with Your Holy Spirit. Grant that this may become visible in our lives. Amen.

Thomas Bucher

General secretary of the European Evangelical Alliance EEA until October 2022

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