The God Who Restores - AdventMostra

The God Who Restores - Advent

Dia 5 de 7

The Arrival of the Son of Man

Read: Luke 21:25–36

Luke 21:27–28

Then they will see the Son of Man arriving in a cloud with power and great glory. But when these things begin to happen, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.

Into the Text

Before His death, Jesus spoke of His return. He let His followers know that even though He would leave this earth for a time, He would return in power and great glory. He explained some signs that would happen before His return, alerting His people to them so they would be expectant of His coming.

During the Christmas season, we focus on the birth of Christ, which was His first coming. He has come and has delivered us from sin and death. But what Advent reminds us, year after year, is that we still live in brokenness and long for His second coming. We remember this longing during Advent as we look forward to His return.

The day of our redemption is drawing near. Advent is the season of intentionally waiting as we slow down our lives, hearts, and schedules to reset and remember what we are truly waiting for. The world tells us we must attend parties, buy gifts, experience all the seasonal attractions, and wear all the ugly sweaters. Jesus tells us that we must watch, set aside time to pray, and be ready!

Jesus told His disciples not to allow their hearts to be so weighed down with the worries of life that His return comes as a surprise. Instead, we must continually turn our eyes and hearts to Him, staying alert and ready for His return. We are to live with great purpose, as a light in our dark world. That may mean saying “no” to a few parties, activities, or gifts. It may mean laying down our expectations and yielding to God’s will. It may mean waking up early to spend time alone with Jesus and letting Him fill our longing hearts with His love and life. Whatever it may be, we can know that it is worth it. May we live expectant, faithful lives, always prepared for His return.

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The God Who Restores - Advent

Advent is a season of waiting, remembering, and rejoicing. We wait for Christ’s return, celebrating His first coming even as we wait and long for His return. We remember the brokenness of our world and how He will bring restoration and wholeness when He comes. And we praise Him, remembering the joy we have as we place our hope in Christ. The God Who Restores Bible study journal leads us through the season of Advent, a season of waiting and great expectation of our coming by through our eternal King.
