Pray While You’re Prey Devotion Plan For Singles, Part VMostra

Pray While You’re Prey Devotion Plan For Singles, Part V

Dia 7 de 7

No One Else

Quote from Pray While You’re Prey:

“I can only imagine how God feels when we act ashamed of Him or brush Him off, choosing things of this world over Him, because He definitely loves us and showed us the ultimate demonstration of love when he sacrificed His only Son.”

Jesus was praised about a week before those same people praising Him would shout, “Crucify Him!” Jesus, the blameless, Almighty, all-powerful, Son of God would be heralded as a savior one week and pay the ultimate sacrifice the next week. And He chose to be that sacrifice despite the fact that the very people He came to save treated Him like garbage. But let’s not be so haughty as to condemn those people before we look in the mirror and ask ourselves how we treat Jesus.

This devotion series is not just about being content while you are single; it is about allowing yourself to be devoted to Christ. It is about finding comfort and solace in Him. Have you ever praised Jesus one week only to ignore Him the next? Perhaps it did not even take a week. Maybe it was a few days or a few hours or, dare I say, just a few minutes. We, and I am including me, are quick to offer praise when Jesus is being who we think He should be. Yet we are quick to question Him when the circumstances of our lives are not how we wish them to be. When we do that, we are no different than the people who laid down palm branches to honor Him one day and spit on Jesus just a few days later.

Jesus could have said, “Daddy, I don’t want to do this.” Make no mistake about this, Jesus did not have to die for our sins. He showed a love that we cannot even fathom. He showed a love that NO ONE ELSE would dare show. Can you imagine dying for the people who treat you like dirt? I can’t, but Jesus did. He gave Himself as a ransom for you and me and for all people, for anyone who would accept Him as Lord and Savior.

So, really examine your heart. Do you appreciate that no one else has done for you what Jesus did? No boyfriend, girlfriend, significant other, or spouse could even come close to that kind of love. So, shouldn’t we be more desperate to get close to the One who died for us than we are for our human relationships. It is not that relationships are bad. I will be so grateful when God sends me my forever husband, but I cannot forget His sacrifice because no one else will ever love me like that.


Thank You, God, for Your Son, Jesus Christ, the One and Only mediator.

Please forgive me for taking Your Sacrifice for granted and complaining or thinking that You don’t love me because I don’t get my way.

Lord, please help me to always remember Your loving gift at Calvary’s cross and to Honor You above all others.

In Jesus’ Name,



Dia 6

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Pray While You’re Prey Devotion Plan For Singles, Part V

From the book “Pray While You’re Prey: How God Turned My Loneliness and Frustration into Contentment and Commitment,” this Bible plan provides an uplifting look through Scripture during seasons of singleness, bringing encouragement to you and others while honoring God.
