[Kainos] Continued GreatnessMostra

[Kainos] Continued Greatness

Dia 5 de 5

Take A Step

There comes a time in our lives as followers of Christ when we need to take first steps. If you have never been a giver at your local church, maybe it is time for you to take that first step and start giving. Maybe you have been giving money but have not been giving time or using your spiritual gifts or resources to help build the Kingdom of God to the best of your abilities, so now is the time to do it. There is no better time to start than now.

Are you intentional with what you are giving the Lord? Or is it something that comes and goes according to your circumstances, feelings, or emotions? Remember that David had a plan, and he had been saving all the things he had won. That is intention. Are you being intentional, planning, prioritizing, your money, your time, your spiritual gifts, and your influence for the kingdom of God?

We become surrendered givers when our giving begins to drive our lives. Instead of letting our purses drive our lives, instead of allowing our debts, our wallets, our fears, and uncertainties to drive our lives, let our giving drive our lives. What if we could write the biggest check each month for the kingdom of God? How incredible would that be? It is possible if we start taking the right steps, one at a time until we become lifetime givers. We can become legacy givers, giving from our finances, time, resources, gifts, and influence to the Lord.

Take a step and let God do something great with what you already have. Do you want to? Everything we have and everything we do belongs to the Lord. Nothing is ours; we will not take anything with us when we die. Are you willing to consecrate what you have to the service of the Lord and give to the best of your abilities for His kingdom?

Think of this: What would happen if every believer in Christ gave our best to the Lord?

For more information regarding this devotional, please follow this link: https://houstonsfirst.org/message/continued-greatness

Dia 4

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[Kainos] Continued Greatness

The blessing of giving to God’s purposes brings the greatest joy. Let’s allow the Lord to do heart work in us, so that we can take the next steps. Let’s give the Lord our best and see what He will do.
