Discipleship & CommitmentMostra

Discipleship & Commitment

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We have been thinking about commitment for a few days now. Jesus is clear if you want to follow Him, it will cost you. Wait a sec, it will cost you a lot! But at the same time, Jesus always gives you a fantastic promise. Read verse 39 in Matthew 10: "Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."

In the passage from Mark 10, we see a huge promise. Jesus first mentions a number of things that you might have given up (house, brothers, sisters, father, mother, wife, work, children) and gives you the guarantee that you will receive a hundredfold reward. In business, they talk about ROI, which stands for "Return On Investment." With Jesus, it is at least 100.

Wow, what a promise.

The commitment you make to go for Jesus and live for Him does not go unnoticed. The glass of water you give, Jesus sees it (Matthew 10:42). The encouraging word you speak, Jesus hears it. And the reward is guaranteed.

At the end of this plan, we ask you to review the questions from the day before yesterday:

  • What about your commitment to Jesus?
  • Which group of people in this history do you belong to? Why?
  • What would you say to Jesus if He asked you, "Don't you want to go too?" Why?
  • What lessons do you draw from Mark 10:27-31?

Conclude this plan with a personal prayer in which you express your (renewed) commitment to Jesus and ask Him, as your Master, to help you.

We hope this plan has helped you as a follower of Jesus and that you have enjoyed it. But of course, there is much more to discover. The materials in this reading plan come from Alongsiders, a discipleship movement in Europe. Do you want to take the next step? Do you have a heart for discipleship, and would you like to know how you can put that into practice?

Click here for more reading plans and opportunities to grow in discipleship.

Dia 2

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Discipleship & Commitment

Jesus asks a lot from his followers. He asks for commitment and He sets the bar high. In this plan, you will work with this theme in a few days. What does the Bible say? What does Jesus say and how can you practise this?
