When We Step Out God Steps InMostra

When We Step Out God Steps In

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Faith demands decisive action

The four lepers had three choices. To go back, to stay where they were, or to face the enemy.

To go back is to return to the past. But we can’t turn back the clock. There are no Groundhog Days in real life. Sometimes, at the end of the day, we think, ‘If only I could relive the last 24 hours. If only I had not said what I said or done what I did.’ But we can’t change anything. That door is closed to us.

Can we stay where we are in the present? If we do nothing, nothing will change. It’s no good staying where we are.

The only realistic option is to look to the future. The lepers said in effect, ‘Why stay here until we die? Let’s go to the camp of the Syrians and surrender. If they spare us, we live; if they kill us, we die. We are no worse off. We are already as good as dead anyhow. You never know; maybe they’ll let us live.’

Possibly these men had heard rumours about Elisha’s prophecy, but they certainly weren’t acting in great faith. ‘If they spare us…’, was the best they could suggest. They might not make it, but they certainly wouldn’t make it if they stayed where they were.

When we step out, we create an opportunity for something to happen, and God steps in.

Remember the woman who anointed Jesus with costly perfume? Others criticised her, but Jesus simply said, ‘She did what she could’ (Mark 14:8).

When Jesus sees an action of love, even if we go beyond the rules a little bit, I don’t think he is too worried about it. He would rather see us overflowing with love than, if it is a word, underflowing with love. She did what she could.

So faith demands decisive action. I don’t want to minimise the seriousness of distress or disappointment. Continuous pain can be exhausting; constant rejection can be heartbreaking. Even so, when we seem to be stuck, there is always something we can do. If we are sick, call for the elders (James 5:14-15). Self-pity? Think of someone worse off. Poor? Find ways to give. Even the poorest people can give something (Luke 21:1-4). Unemployed? Find volunteer work. Marriage stress? Think of new ways of relating to your husband or wife. Estranged son or daughter? Write one more letter or make one more phone call. Is there something you can do that you haven’t done before?

These lepers said, ‘Why stay here till we die? Let’s do something.’ Jesus said about the woman, ‘She did what she could.’ What might he say of you or me?

What next?

Decisive action must be based on God’s Word—its precepts and promises. Otherwise, faith becomes presumption. There are many things we know are his will, such as forgiveness, peace, joy, doing good, giving, praying, and so on. What options lie before you today? Choose a couple now and note them down, so you remember them.

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When We Step Out God Steps In

In this Bible Plan, Dr. Barry Chant, Australian author and Bible teacher, outlines half a dozen life tactics that will stand you in good stead as a disciple of Jesus. In this adventure of faith, you will grasp concepts like how a crisis may often be a miracle in disguise, how disasters may be opportunities, how you can continually lift your level of expectancy, together with other transformational truths.
