Hospitality: A Study in 3 JohnMostra

Hospitality: A Study in 3 John

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What does it say?

Like his previous epistle, John ends the letter expressing his desire to come and see Gaius in person.

What does it mean?

Despite the conflict caused by Diotrephes, John closes his letter on a positive note. He encourages Gaius to greet all the brothers by name - a reminder that there are a group of faithful Christ-followers still walking in the truth. John had seen the blood-soaked cross and the empty grave. He knew whatever opposition rose against the church, Jesus had risen with all authority in heaven and on earth.

How should I respond?

John's final greetings remind us to never forget the bigger picture. Jesus has risen with power and has authority over all things. He will lead and guide His people as they show and share the gospel across the earth. These two truths assure us that no matter the obstacle in front of us there is reason for hope and joy.


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