Year of the Bible: Part Five of Twelve Mostra

Year of the Bible: Part Five of Twelve

Dia 10 de 30


The Hebrew word "khesed" is one of the most common descriptions of God in the Bible, and it’s almost impossible to translate into any other language! This word is rich with meaning, combining the ideas of love, loyalty, and generosity. It describes an act of promise-keeping loyalty motivated by deep personal care. It is also often translated to “kindness.” This word occurs a few times in the book of Ruth.

The book of Ruth happened around the time of the book of Judges, where we see the moral decline people find themselves in. In the story of Ruth, however, we see people who have chosen to be kind, people who want to follow God and show love to others.

Ruth leaves her comfort and everything she knows to be with her mother-in-law even though others would ostracize both of them for being widows and Ruth for being a foreigner. She showed deep care and generosity despite her own grief.

Boaz, also a God-fearing man (meaning he lived what he believed), was kind to the foreigners and generous to those in less fortunate circumstances.

Jesus also showed great kindness to us! “But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life” (Titus 3:4-7).

Question: Are you aware of the kindness of God in your life? And if so, are you extending this kindness to others?

Prayer: God of unfailing love, I want to be a testimony to Your kindness and forgiveness. Thank You for redeeming me from my sins when I did not deserve it. Jesus, do not let me be unkind toward anyone. Allow me to use kindness to cut out hatred, racism, indifference, inequality, and other afflictions that run rampant in the human race. Use me, Lord, to lead out in Your kindness and to be Your catalyst for change. In Jesus' name, Amen!


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Year of the Bible: Part Five of Twelve

This twelve-part plan can be read alone, with a group, or with your family! Each month, you will dive into a new part of the unified story that leads to Jesus discovering the heart of God for the whole world. Let's dive into Part two of twelve!
