Will God Judge Me?Mostra

Will God Judge Me?

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God judges righteously (Part 2)

“Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” (Luke 12:47-48)

Jesus tells a parable. A rich man goes on a journey and entrusts his entire property and household to his servant. Upon returning, it turns out that this servant has taken poor care of everything. What will the master do then? He’ll punish the servant, of course. But Jesus says more. If the servant knew what his master wanted and still did not do it, he will receive a severe punishment. If, however, he had no idea of his master's will, his punishment will be milder.

So it is with God's judgment. Every person has a basic consciousness of God and a moral compass, and this gives them the responsibility to act accordingly. But not everyone has actually heard about God, His commandments, and the possibility of salvation through Jesus Christ. Everything that goes against God's will is "sin" and must be punished. But “if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth,” we are charged much more severely (see Hebrews 10:26-29).

Do you think it is fair for God to judge people differently? What would be fair criteria?

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Will God Judge Me?

The Bible tells us that God will judge humanity. What does this mean? Is God’s judgment something to be afraid of? Yes- it is if you don’t believe in Jesus Christ. But if your sins have been forgiven, God’s judgment is instead something to look forward to! This plan explains why.
