Safe in God's ControlMostra

Safe in God's Control

Dia 4 de 5

Walking with Jesus

The story, recorded in Luke 8, of Jesus' voyage with His disciples across the lake shows that He is Lord of the universe because the words and deeds of His power are very real. There are several things we can ponder through this story.

First, life can be described as a journey or a voyage. The Lord Jesus never promised a journey of life without obstacles or a life voyage without storms. But He did promise to be with us along the way. We can never predict what will happen in the middle of our life journey, but God promises that we will arrive at the final destination with Him. Isn't this a precious guarantee? No matter what we experience along the way, God will never leave us alone. This shows that He is God Immanuel, the God who is always with us during every step of our lives.

Second, Jesus asked His disciples, "Where is your faith?" Let's put faith into our every step. We can only see the works of God by faith. We ignite that fire of faith in the decisions we make. However, faith does not always keep us out of the storms of life, because God often allows those storms to make our faith stronger. The Bible says that without faith we can't please the Lord (Hebrews 11:6).

Third, trust God and remain calm because therein lies our strength (Isaiah 30:15). Storms in life often make us panic. We become confused and decide to take shortcuts, which unfortunately often cause the problem to become bigger. Being still is a habit that we need to practice constantly so that we can hear God’s voice when the storm comes. The disciples were surprised when Lord Jesus calmed the wind. We can trust and depend on God only to the extent we know His character. As we learn more about God and His great power and love, it becomes easier for us to trust Him. That is why we need to study God's Word, so we learn more about what God is like. As we recognize more of God's character, we can trust and worship Him more deeply.

Fourth, Jesus is Almighty God, the Creator of the universe. The universe is subject to Him. Because He is the Creator of the universe, His manifested divine power can astonish us. We have the privilege of being close to the Lord Jesus, the Creator of the universe.

Our life journey with the Lord Jesus will never be in vain. He will always amaze us with His power. Starting today, let us surrender our lives to Him and live in obedience to His Word.

Dia 3Dia 5

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Safe in God's Control

How often do we get stressed out trying to control complicated situations in our lives? This stress can hinder God's power at work in our lives. Our unbelief slowly eats away at our faith and causes disappointment to overtake us. We must stop before this happens! This devotional will remind you of God's miraculous deeds, help you remember that He is in control, and revive your faith in Him.
