Holy Week - a ReflectionMostra

Holy Week - a Reflection

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A special place

Do you have a special place where you go to meet with God?

My wife, Laurel, has created a beautiful space in our home that we lovingly call “The Jesus Room.” This is the room where Laurel meets with Jesus in the morning, and lately, it’s the place where we do our quiet time in the evening. This room is safe, peaceful, soaked in prayer, and filled with the Holy Spirit. It truly is a place of miracles!

You can meet with Jesus anywhere, but what about a special place where you can retreat from the pressure of your world to draw close to Him? It could be a rock by a river, the base of a tree in the forest, a table in your kitchen, a fire pit, or even a corner of the room where you sleep. We all need a safe place to talk to God and for God to speak to us.

On Holy Tuesday, Jesus goes to His safe place on the Mount of Olives to talk about dying. I think we can all agree that you need a safe place when you’re talking about such a heavy matter. On Tuesday, Jesus says:

“...‘The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly, I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves Me must follow Me; and where I am, My servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves Me.’” (John 12:23-26, NIV)

Talking about dying is not easy for anyone, especially when you’re talking about your own passing. However, as Jesus speaks profoundly about His own death, He is holding on to a miraculous promise that should make us all stand and celebrate!

Jesus is going to willingly lay down His life so that as one seed falls to the ground and dies, millions upon millions of seeds will RISE UP, GROW, AND MULTIPLY as followers of Jesus. The promise of new life is a miracle, and Jesus is still creating new life through His own death.

As you take a moment to ponder the depth of Jesus’ love on this Holy Tuesday, I’d encourage you to grab a journal and write down some ways that you can die to your own desires, selfish wants, and human agendas. What do you need to surrender to Jesus so that you can serve and follow Him?

Do you see the miracles throughout this email? Seeking Jesus in the secret place is the miracle of His presence and response. Seeking Jesus in laying down our own lives is the miracle of surrender. Knowing the truth that God will honor us for that surrender is the miracle of God’s divine connection with His followers.

As you count the cost of following Jesus, may His miracles flow into your heart.

Believing for your miracle today!

Grant Fishbook


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Holy Week - a Reflection

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