Redemption Road: When God Restores What You Lost (Part 2)Mostra

Redemption Road: When God Restores What You Lost (Part 2)

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Job: Comparison Is The Thief Of Restoration

You might have heard it said that comparison is the thief of joy. I believe it also happens to be the thief of restoration.

Over the last few days, we have learned a few things about redemption, starting with the fact that at some point all of us will need God to step in to restore the broken areas in our lives. Joseph, Ruth, and Job, all human like us, affirm that truth. As we finish the series, let's look at two final lessons from Job's life.

#2 - Our Restoration Process Is Unique

For Job to experience full restoration, God gives him simple instructions: pray. You would think that after everything he went through with losing his family, possessions, and health, the restoration process would be long and grueling. The Bible says that as soon as Job prayed, the Lord restored his fortunes, gave him twice as much as he had before, and blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former (Job 42:10). There, we get our second lesson—no two experiences are the same.

Job's process did not take decades like Joseph's or require relocation like Ruth. This is why we cannot afford to compare ourselves to anyone else, or to put God in a box. In His sovereignty, He can do for us what He wants, how He wants to.

#3 - Restoration Defies Logic

Sometimes, God will give us seemingly conflicting or irrelevant instructions. Our response to His request signals our humility and submission. Job had every reason to pout, throw a tantrum and tell God, “No, I am not doing anything else you ask because I am mad at you.” Instead, a simple yes redeemed his circumstances.

Like Job, you might find yourself in a place where nothing makes sense. I encourage you to be still to hear the still, small voice of God. The key to starting or figuring out the next step in your restoration journey could be just one small instruction away. Like Joseph, Ruth, and Job, we cannot always control what happens to us. However, the one unchanging truth is that we have a heavenly Father who is in tune and step with our circumstances. No matter how he does it, the recurring theme from salvation to daily living is His desire to restore and make us whole.

Father, I thank you for writing a unique story for my life. I also thank you that my story is not wasted and that you have not forgotten about me. I pray for contentment and peace. Help me not to compare my journey and situation to others, but to be completely tuned in to what you are saying to me. Thank you for the restoration of my hope, which, by faith, will be followed by the restoration of my circumstances.

Dia 4

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Redemption Road: When God Restores What You Lost (Part 2)

The road to redemption is hardly a straight line. Whether you are recovering from financial devastation, heartache from a relationship, or a delay that has left you feeling behind in life, restoration can be hard to imagine. Join Minority Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network (MCWEN) Founder Andrena Sawyer for the restoration series that reminds you that God is fully invested in making you whole again.
