Holy Week Through the Eyes Of…Mostra

Holy Week Through the Eyes Of…

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Holy Week — Through the Eyes of Pilate

“When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. ‘I am innocent of this man’s blood,’ he said. ‘It is your responsibility!’” (Matthew 27:24 NIV)

Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent. He was a clever guy and could tell from Jesus’ demeanor and the accusations being hurled against him that the religious leaders had handed Him over out of self-interest. Even Pilate’s own wife had sent a message urging him to leave Jesus alone because of a dream she had. What more proof did Pilate need?

Oh, but Pilate was in a tough spot. He had been put in charge as governor to keep order. He didn’t care about the chief priests and their laws, but here was the mob threatening to get unruly if he didn’t give Jesus up to be crucified. The religious leaders might even accuse him of harboring an insurrectionist. Pilate then gave the people a choice: Should he release Barabbas, an actual troublemaker, or Jesus? And the crowds yelled, “Release to us Barabbas!” When Pilate asked what he should do with Jesus, they chanted, “Crucify Him!”

What should Pilate do? Should he listen to his inner voice and the pleadings of his wife, or should he listen to the cacophony of voices surrounding him? He couldn’t make up his mind. Then he had what he thought was a brilliant idea: he would give Jesus up to be crucified, but he would wash his hands in a basin in the sight of the people, declaring that he was washing his hands of the matter and was, therefore, absolved of the guilt of Jesus’ death.

But that didn’t change anything, did it? Pilate was indeed guilty; and to this day, the infamous order to have Jesus crucified is attributed to him. Tradition tells us that Pilate lived a tormented life after that. He reportedly lost his job as governor, and some accounts indicate that he ended up committing suicide. In the end, Pilate lost out on the opportunity to have his own life changed by the power of Jesus.

If Pilate could speak to us today, do you know what he would tell us? He would say, “There’s no such thing as trying to be neutral with Jesus.” You can’t play the middle ground or sit on the fence; you’re either with Jesus or not with Jesus.

Sadly, sometimes the pressure of the crowd makes people turn away from the Lord, just as Pilate did. Oh sure; some don’t mind thinking of Jesus on Good Friday or going to church on Easter. And when the baby is being dedicated, they don’t mind attending a service; or asking for prayer if their child is sick. But to turn to Jesus and serve him with all their heart? Many would think, “No, I may lose some friends that way.”

Trust me, it is better to lose friends than to lose out on having a real relationship with Jesus. His desire is to meet our every need, give us peace and joy and forgiveness of sin, along with a guarantee that when we die, we will be with Him in heaven.

Let’s remember today the words of the old hymn, “What Will You Do with Jesus?”

What will you do with Jesus? Neutral you cannot be. Someday your heart will be asking, "What will He do with me?”


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Holy Week Through the Eyes Of…

"Holy Week Through the Eyes of… " is a new, six-part devotional series by Pastor Jim Cymbala that looks at the days leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus through the eyes of those who were there to witness it. See what Peter, Pilate, the thief on the cross, and others might tell us today about the central and most important event in all of human history.
