Two Minutes in the Bible for MenMostra

Two Minutes in the Bible for Men

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Divided Against Itself
Humility unites; pride divides. Patience pauses; anger accelerates. When families, cities, or nations are divided, an implosion takes place, and their significance is reduced to rubble. Ongoing battles in the home build walls, ruining communication and intimacy, teamwork and trust, peace and contentment. Indeed, the devil uses division as one of his primary weapons because it leads to worry and fear. If he can divide husbands and wives, he has conquered them. Division defeats marital maturity and replaces it with childish tirades.

When husbands and wives think the other has become the enemy, the enemy has won. When people are divided, they are deceived into thinking they cannot work together, so they fight it out. The entire process is irrational and irresponsible.

Anger drives division. There is an obsession to have one’s way regardless of the shattered outcome. Things are done just to spite the other. Patience is thrown to the wind and replaced with accusations and insults. Division is the fruit of pride. There is no room for compromise, much less death to self. It drives couples to unreasonable demands and proud pontifications. Division creates losers and lasting regrets. It’s a road that leads to a downward spiral of ineffective living.

Therefore, unite around humility. Humility relates from a position of brokenness. It appeals to the common sense of Christ and the wisdom of God. Mutual submission to your Savior Jesus becomes the starting point of discussion. Divorce is off the table, and no position comes between the parties. This is how division is defeated. There is a determination by everyone involved to depend on God and godly counselors for instruction and accountability. Emotional hostage taking is prohibited, and manipulative moves are unacceptable. Instead, the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) is the baseline for discussions. This is the place where patient and cool heads prevail.

Lastly, identify the true enemies - pride, fear, selfishness, and the demons of hell. Make a frontal assault of faith on the adversary instead of backstabbing each other with betrayal. Unity flourishes in a foray into forgiveness. “Forgive first and discuss second” is a good rule of thumb. Unity requires thinking the best of each other. Past failures are not held over the other as a hammer of guilt, and current hurts are not glibly dismissed. Unity makes room for healing to take place.

People who pray together unite over time. Unity is a beautiful outcome for couples who pray together. As your heads hit the pillow each night, pray for one another before you slip into sleep. Let nighttime prayers calm you before you doze off and dream. United, your marriage and ministry will stand; divided, it will fall. Therefore, unite around God and His word. In Christ you will stand (Philippians 1:27). Stand strong with your Savior. He forgives. He saves. He unifies.

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Two Minutes in the Bible for Men

As we take the time to be with the Lord each day and allow His Word to be the last word in our decisions, He will not let us down. His gentle and firm reminders of what works, and doesn't, in our attitudes and actions are exactly what we need to be successful and live a life worthy of His calling. Two minutes can make a big difference!
