Jesus the Gift of Grief: Overcoming the Holiday BluesMostra

Jesus the Gift of Grief: Overcoming the Holiday Blues

Dia 2 de 3

Day 2- Jesus the GIFT of STRENGTH

If you had to rate your mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical strength level on a scale of 1-10 what would it be? Whatever that number is, don’t worry because we all have moments in life when we feel a superhuman strength, a superman/woman type of strength that makes us believe that we can leap over buildings, soar over skyscrapers, and pick up a car with our bare hands. But then there are other times when it feels like there isn’t enough strength to lift even a feather. 

The gift of strength given by Jesus is perfect for times in our lives when we feel the weakest, the most broken, the most tired, the most hurt. 2 Corinthians 12:9a KJV is one of my favorite scriptures! It says,

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” 

In other words, God’s strength is made perfect in weakness because He delights in taking situations where human strength is lacking to demonstrate the greatness of His power. That means, my weaknesses as a result of grief, or sadness, or loss, or difficulties, or circumstances, or family troubles, or financial issues set me up and position me to receive the strength of God. Not only to receive the strength of God, but the PERFECT strength of God. That’s great news for those who feel like they have been weakened by grief and robbed of hope. 

So, let’s open this gift of perfect strength and check out what’s on the inside. When you receive the perfect strength of God you receive: 

CONFIDENCE- A deeper knowledge of Jesus’ ability to see you through your grief. 

COURAGE- An encouragement to face the coming seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years of life despite the loss. 

POWER- Power to push through moments of uncertainty, to speak life in times when the enemy tries to attack your mind with untruths and accusations. 


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Jesus the Gift of Grief: Overcoming the Holiday Blues

We are excited about this time of year. Christmas!!! Joy to the world the Lord has come. This holiday should be one to remember. Although, many of us have gone through a season where we may have lost a loved one or even went through a divorce. We have great news for you, Jesus is still here for you and He has a gift worth looking forward to receiving.
