Who Am I?Mostra

Who Am I?

Dia 2 de 11

Ambassadors for Christ

2 Corinthians 5:20

An “ambassador” is a representative, a messenger, one sent on a specific errand.

A diplomat who properly fills this role seeks to speak, not his own mind, but the opinions of the leader or the nation he represents. He heralds a cause far greater than his own personal agenda.

God’s cause, revealed through the life and ministry of the Son of God, was to reconcile a fallen human race to Himself. Jesus did not come into this world to condemn sinners, but to freely forgive and restore all who would humbly respond to His call. That’s what the word reconciliation means—to be restored to a peaceful, harmonious, and loving relationship.

Remember when Jesus died, the veil of the temple was rent from the top to the bottom. It was God’s joyous and prophetic way of communicating that because the pure blood that was shed on Calvary, now all men can come to the Father, receive the gift of righteousness and be accepted eternally in His presence.

Our great privilege, as heaven’s ambassadors, is to present this priceless opportunity to those that are estranged. Too often, like prodigals, they are wasting the precious gift of their earthly existence on frivolous pursuits. But we have been given the ministry of reconciliation (the power of the Holy Spirit) and the word of reconciliation (the Gospel) to reclaim them for the kingdom of God. According to our theme verse, God is actually “pleading” through us to a fallen and dysfunctional world to be reconciled to Him. If this is God’s heart on the matter, it needs to be the pulsation of our hearts, every moment of every day.


I declare that I am an ambassador of Jesus Christ! I make a commitment to do what Jesus would do, say what Jesus would say, and express the attitudes He would manifest—if He were in the same situation with the same people. As a representative of heaven, I dare to speak for the King of glory. I have been commissioned to reconcile fallen human beings, to restore them to a right and harmonious relationship with the Father of creation. I have received the ministry of reconciliation and the word of reconciliation to accomplish this task, in Jesus’s name, Amen!

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