My Affliction for His GloryMostra

My Affliction for His Glory

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Dependent on Him

My parents made it a house rule that I could never utter the phrase “I can’t.” They viewed it on the same level as a cuss word in our house. That was a rule that I struggled with early on in life. There was a slew of tasks that were hard for me to do with my feet: Eat, write, open doors, get dressed, and even brush my teeth. Accomplishing tasks meant for hands while using your feet was the ultimate exercise in trial and error.

As much as my parents pushed me to avoid saying “I can’t,” they were also constant in reminding me that I could do all things through Christ who gave me strength. Through that Scriptural encouragement, I remember thinking to myself, “God has made me for greater things than quitting.” That thought came to life thanks to the steady and constant reminder from my parents in regards to the strength that Jesus gives to those He loves.

God began to transform how I thought about my trials and my failures by reminding me of His strength and joy that we see in the book of Philippians:

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

It is by knowing about and trusting in the strength and joy that God gives us that allows us to carry on through whatever might come our way. In that perspective we can push through, resting in God’s strength, knowing that He is working in our lives even in the smallest of moments. In these steps of faith, we can push through all sorts of fear and doubt. 

We don’t trust in what is to come, we trust in what He has already done. We don’t trust in what we feel and experience; we trust in the Savior who does not change in character. As we navigate the pressures of life, we can rest assured that He is with us and that is all we need. Our hearts are in the best place when we seek His presence above all—depending on God for everything.

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My Affliction for His Glory

Who am I? What am I here for? Does anyone love me? Do I have worth? Adversity can lead to doubt on the deepest levels: compared to others who have it "all together," our lives, with our difficulties, can seem beyond our ability to deal with daily tasks, let alone bigger topics like purpose, love, or faith.
