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Called Out

Dia 2 de 5


Have you ever had a time in your life where there was a daunting challenge or a great opportunity before you but it didn’t feel like you were up to the challenge? Maybe it was a new job opportunity or a chance to try out for a sports team. Maybe it was finally working up the courage to ask out that crush you’ve been having or to start a new hobby. You may have felt inadequate, not skilled enough, or even courageous enough to take on that challenge or embrace that opportunity. 

We see this happening in the Bible in the story of Gideon. God had a daunting challenge and a great opportunity in His heart for Gideon, however Gideon was insecure, fearful, and timid. He was found hiding in a winepress when an angel came to call him out of the place he was hiding in. The angel spoke to Gideon’s potential through the lens that God saw him through, not through the lens Gideon saw himself. 

The truth is we can all be tempted to wait for the "perfect moment" to do something new or take a big risk, but in reality life just doesn’t typically seem to work out that way. We all want to be free from fear, shame, weakness or insecurity when God calls us. We all want to feel competent, capable, and able to do what God asks us to do. 

The wonderful thing about God is that He calls us to do the impossible, the unimaginable, the incredible; and He does so in the midst of our issues, insecurities and idiosyncrasies. God isn’t waiting for the perfect situation, the perfect person, or the perfect opportunity to use us. He challenges us to embrace His calling on our lives despite all our shortcomings. When God calls, there’s no turning back!

If we are going to truly step into the call of God, we need to come out of hiding. God is calling us to move on from a place of self-reliance and separate ourselves from past perspectives and insecurities. We can trust in God’s reasoning for calling us. He is the maker of everything, He is God almighty and He is calling us out of our hiding place. 

Embracing God’s calling on our lives also requires us to see things from His perspective. No matter how you’re feeling right now, you were created by God on purpose for a purpose. Even if it seems like you are lost in life or struggling to get by, God still has a purpose for you. By allowing God to change your perspective and work on your insecurities you will be able to step into what seemed impossible before. 

We do not need to wait to do the things God has called us to, whatever that may look like. We do not need to wait for the right job, the right degree, or the right position in life. Our mission and calling needs to be outworked now, as God work on us. The time is now! 


  • How are you hiding from God right now that is stopping you stepping into your calling? Write down what comes to mind. 
  • What are some things that God says about you that you need to believe that will help you step out into what God has called you to do? Choose one or two scriptures about who God says you are and speak over your life daily. 
  • What step can you take today to step into your calling?


Dear Lord, thank You for choosing me to have a part in Your plan. Thank You that You see potential in me that I often cannot see in myself. Help me to see what You see, and give me the strength to carry out what You have called me to. Remind my soul that You are with me on the days when I forget and remind me who I am in Christ. In Jesus name, Amen!

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Called Out

At Hillsong College, we believe that each one of us have been called out to advance God's Kingdom here on earth. This discipleship study will help you discover and embrace the call of God. This 5 Day plan was written by students and staff of Hillsong College.
