Why Your Prayer Is Not Answered – What the Bible SaysMostra

Why Your Prayer Is Not Answered – What the Bible Says

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Prayer is your way to build relationship and communicate with God, but it is also God’s way to change you so that His plans may be accomplished through you. In your prayer time with God, there are therefore two topics that you should be especially keen to understand:

  • What is God’s will, and,
  • Why God might not answer your prayers.

The topic of finding God’s plan is covered in another study: “5 Steps to Know God’s Will.” Understanding the reasons why God might not answer your prayer is the focus here.

In these readings, we uncover six reasons from the Bible on why God might not answer your prayers. All six reasons are actionable items that you can do something about.

But let’s be clear from the start. As is often the case in your Christian walk, life is not as simple as just "checking the box" and moving on. The same is true for prayer.

Even as you pray for God’s will to be done and for His glory, your prayers are not always answered, are they? And then, when you ask your fellow Christians about why this might be so, you get back responses like these:

  • Perhaps it’s not God’s will.
  • Apparently, God has a different plan.
  • God’s ways are higher; we don’t understand.
  • God is testing you, developing your character.
  • God knows best.

Nice-sounding reasons, but not very helpful. As a Christian seeking God’s will, you want to know more, and not just receive nice-sounding answers. And, that’s exactly what we are going to uncover in these readings – six actionable items to help boost your prayer success.

Before we start, however, we need to clear up a misconception held by many – that, as a Christian, you might ask for whatever you want and God will answer. After all, even Jesus Himself taught that, didn’t He?

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." – Matthew 7:7-8

That sounds like your prayers should be answered, but read and understand the meaning of the next two verses:

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" – Matthew 7:9-10

Just as you might not give your child a gun to play with or let them eat cake for breakfast, so it is with God. He wants to help but to give you only good things that are right for you and in line with His Plan. Again, knowing God’s will is key.

Back to your prayers. Why are they unanswered? Besides the big topic of knowing God’s will and His Plan, is there something that you are missing or might change or do in order to receive the answers you are looking for?

The Bible offers clear guidance on why your prayers might not be answered, and one or more of the six reasons provided might be key to unlocking your prayer success.

May you be blessed as you find out.

Reflection / Application

  1. Think about your prayers for help. How effective have those been? Are they mostly answered, or not?
  2. Jesus says you should ask and receive. How does prayer figure into your life?
  3. God wants to give good things to you. Do you think that some of what you have been asking for might not line up with God’s plan? Why not?


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Why Your Prayer Is Not Answered – What the Bible Says

As you pray to God for guidance, it sometimes seems that God is not listening. Even when you are eager to hear a response – any response – God remains silent. In these readings, we uncover six reasons why God might not be answering your prayers. Each of the reasons comes straight from the Bible and gives you an actionable checklist to ensure your prayer life is on track.
