Don't Lose Hope Mostra

Don't Lose Hope

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Praise God at All times

Another thing Hannah did while waiting for her miracle was praise God.

It is very easy to do this when everything is going well for us. In good times we go to church, raise our hands and never tire of telling God, "You're so good!"

It is so easy to praise God when you have received the job you expected, when you have the resources to pay your bills, when the family is at peace and when everything is going well in your marriage.

But how easy is it to praise God when there are problems, when your children are far from God's house, when you don't have the money to pay the bills or when your marriage is about to end?

In the Bible, we can read the story of Job, a man who had done everything in his power to please God. But one day he lost everything. He lost his house, his family, his friends, his health, all his possessions.

In Job 1:18-22, we can read that in the midst of all the pain he was going through, the words that came out of Job's mouth were: "Praise the name of the Lord!"

Despite having lost everything, Job did not blame God. He lifted his hands in his worst moment and praised the Lord. What an incredible response! Job did not allow his circumstances to stop his praise.

The enemy will always seek to stop us, because he does not want us to praise God.

In the story of Hannah, we can read that every year when she went to God's house, Peninnah, her rival, tormented her by reminding her of her problem, to the point that Hannah would cry and could not even eat.

Sometimes the enemy starts talking to you, whispering things in your ear: "Why are you going to raise your hands? Why go to church? Look where your children are, look how your marriage is falling apart." The enemy will always try to stop you.

That's why it's so important that we praise God! Because it changes our focus, and instead of seeing our problems, we can see God's promises and who He is.

Who is God? God is holy, perfect, powerful, the One who restores; He is extraordinary love, faithful, sovereign, the all-powerful, eternal, the great I am, God is more than enough, our safe haven.

Our God is faithful and loves you. I encourage you to stop focusing on your need and start focusing on who He is.

Praise the Lord at all times!

Prayer: Lord, I thank You that even though my circumstances change, You remain faithful. I thank You that there is nothing that can separate me from Your love. Give me the strength to praise You in difficult times, and help me to focus on who You are and Your promises instead of worrying about my problems. Amen.


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