Breakthrough- Find Beauty in the BreakingMostra

Breakthrough- Find Beauty in the Breaking

Dia 4 de 7


It is impossible to grow in the safety of your comfort zone.

It takes time to grow. It takes some messes, some steps, and lots of patience. It also takes bucket loads of courage.

I will never forget the moment that I knew God was going to kick us out of the nest. As Youth Pastors for many years, we had raised up an incredible team that we often called our ‘Rockstars.’ They were! One day, as we were wrapping up our youth conference that gathered thousands of young people each year, I told another leader, “It is so comfortable now that we have such great leaders.” The moment the word ‘comfortable’ slipped out of my mouth, it felt sour. Like I had eaten something rotten or bad, I felt this incredibly sick feeling in my stomach. I knew in an instant that change was coming.

God has called us to live by faith, not comfort.   
  • Growth always starts with change. I am not a fan of change. I love routine, plans, and things that are predictable. But our comfort zones are never the right atmosphere for growth. They may actually be the greatest hindrance. When we cling to the security of predictability, we remove the best tool for growth - change.   
  • Growth comes with risk. You are going to have to put yourself out there. This is definitely not my comfort zone. Whether it’s a social media post to encourage women, or a song that I wrote, it is HARD to put myself out there! But just like a flower that pokes its head out and begins to bloom, we have to leave our place of safety. We must break through the bud and be exposed. It is risky business for sure, but necessary. 

It is not easy to step out in faith. Fear surfaces. Fear of rejection and maybe failure. Fears about what other people will think. Don’t let that stop you! 

(Remember. It is easy for others to criticize from the cheap seats. And I do mean seats. Most often the critics are the ones sitting. So stand up and press into all that God has for you. Do not trade your calling for a life that is free from critics!)   

  • Growth requires vulnerability. Do you know that every fruit starts as a flower? At this flower stage the fruit is the most vulnerable. Those flower petals can easily be bruised. Are we willing to go through some fragile stages? Stages when you might get bruised or hurt? Rejected even? To move towards our intended purpose, however, we must be willing to be vulnerable to this kind of discomfort.

A few years ago, God asked me a life changing question. “Are you willing to be vulnerable in order to reach people?” I had experienced some ministry hurt and some deep friendship wounds, and I knew He was asking me if I was willing to be hurt and rejected again.

As I wrestled with this question, I came across this verse in Luke. In this passage, Jesus is giving His disciples instructions as they set out on their first mission.

Luke 10:2-3 (VOICE)   There’s a great harvest waiting in the fields, but there aren’t many good workers to harvest it. Pray that the Harvest Master will send out good workers to the fields. It’s time for you 70 to go. I’m sending you out ARMED WITH VULNERABILITY, like lambs walking into a pack of wolves.

This hit hard. Jesus is not sending us out with shields and swords for protection or an armload of cash for security. He sends us out armed with something completely different - vulnerability.

I gave my deepest “yes” to the Lord that day. My safety was not worth my calling.

Do you find it hard to be vulnerable with people? Know this, people will connect with your weaknesses much more than your strengths. The messages I preach that are the most personal often have the greatest impact. Sometimes I slip away embarrassed that I have shared a personal failure with the whole wide world, yet am amazed at how God seems to use these vulnerable moments the most.

Remembering your ‘why,’ will bring you courage. I will warn you, though, God may purify your ‘why’ first.

If the reason we are stepping out is for attention, or approval, it will backfire. If we are trying to prove ourselves, it will be exhausting. Our ‘why’ cannot be about us.

Do you know what happens to the blossom on a fruit tree? It fades away to make room for the fruit. It dies to bring life to another. The fruit of our lives becomes the seed that makes way for the orchard. There is much more at stake than our own growth and potential. We are called to impact the world around us and this ‘why’ will bring us the greatest strength.

It takes courage to bloom. But it is TIME, friend! So step out of that comfort zone and see what God will do!


Questions for Reflection or Group Discussion:   

  1. What is holding me back from stepping out? Is fear holding me back in any way?   
  2. Have I allowed God to purify my ‘why’? Ask the Lord to reveal any personal agendas.   
  3. Discuss and reflect some WINS. Have you stepped out of your comfort zone in this last season? CELEBRATE THOSE WINS! (Your WIN may be a brave conversation that you have needed to have for months. It may be inviting a neighbor or coworker to church. Maybe it is writing a blog or starting an exercise routine. Anything that has caused you to grow is a WIN! Celebrate!)


It is time to step out! Ask the Lord to give you specific direction this week and write out a plan for how you are going to get out of your comfort zone. For accountability, tell a friend about it. (And don’t forget to celebrate when you have done it!)

Dia 3Dia 5

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Breakthrough- Find Beauty in the Breaking

Can beauty really come from the ashes in our life? It's easy to miss God's presence when we are walking though the unknown. This plan will challenge us to look beyond our struggles, move forward in faith and equip us to speak hope + victory over one another. Discover invaluable lessons as you endure the refining process. It's here, in our darkest places God meets us like never before.
