Road to EasterMostra

Road to Easter

Dia 3 de 4

The Via Dolorosa

The Via Dolorosa, or Way of Grief, is the path people believe Jesus took from the place He was condemned to die to His grave. Stops along the way, called stations of the cross, commemorate events that happened as Jesus walked to Calvary. They remind us of all that Jesus suffered. 

After Jesus was arrested at the Garden of Gethsemane, He was taken for questioning. Jesus’ answers frustrated the religious leaders. An official slapped Him. When morning came, they took Jesus to Caiaphas, the high priest. He had previously argued in favor of Jesus’ death (John 11:45–53, 18:14). Caiaphas knew that Pilate, the Roman governor, could sentence Jesus to die.  

The high priest and those with him refused to enter the governor’s palace. Doing so would defile them (John 18:28). Never mind their murderous hearts and lying tongues! Jesus had rightly condemned them (Matthew 23:25–26). 

Pilate told the Jewish leaders to judge Jesus themselves, but they refused (John 18:31). Pilate questioned Jesus and tried, once more, to free Him. The leaders chose Barabbas, a man who had led an insurrection. so Pilate had Jesus flogged. This was not enough to satisfy His accusers. They shouted for Jesus’ crucifixion until Pilate gave in. Jesus was forced to carry His own cross. He was too weak to manage without help. The soldiers forced another man to carry the cross behind Jesus (Luke 23:26). Step by step, they made their way to Calvary, “to the place of the Skull . . . called Golgotha” (John 19:17). 

All along the Via Dolorosa, Jesus suffered. He was accused, arrested, and abused. He was pushed beyond physical endurance. He suffered emotional pain. He even asked why God had forsaken Him (Mark 15:34). He cried out, “It is finished.” He died. Later, He was laid in a borrowed grave. 

The path to the cross was one of suffering, yet Jesus was willing to suffer for our sake. “He was pierced for our transgressions” (Isaiah 53:5). Jesus was willing honor His Father and put us in right relationship with God.

Lord Jesus, You suffered for my sake. Thank You. Give me the courage and determination to do Your will no matter what it takes. 

Dia 2Dia 4

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Road to Easter

The story of Jesus’s path to the cross is important for all people to consider—especially followers of Christ. This series is framed around the roads Jesus took en route to Calvary and beyond. Each day’s meditation points to the essential purpose of Jesus’s journey and what we must learn from it in order to fully appreciate the significance of the cross and the resurrection.
