The Soul Of A Worship LeaderMostra

The Soul Of A Worship Leader

Dia 14 de 14


May the Words of My Mouth

Great words or traditions are no substitute for a pure heart in worship. Great preaching, music and art are no replacement for a soul that is sincere and honest before God. Many things go into our hearts through our eyes, mouths and ears Matthew 15:1, but in the end, are we growing fruit or weeds?

First we must ask: how are the things in our hearts returned to God? Are they detestable to the Lord, or are they received as honorable praise?

The more we take in His words of life, the more we overflow with the life of Christ in our walk. Hebrews 13:15 tells us to continually (not just every Sunday) offer a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that profess His name.

Second we must ask: in my heart, what kind of fruit am I growing? Is it worth giving, or is it worth losing?

Jesus desires our lives to be in line with His words, so that we may meditate rightly in His sight. When we are meeting Him daily, we are able to meditate all day long on His unfailing love. Psalm 48:9

Before we open the doors of worship, may we live holy lives as an act of worship. Walking and professing the goodness of His holy name: pure, blameless and incorruptible. There is no substitute for honest words of worship that come from a contrite heart.

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

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