Why Do We Pray?Mostra

Why Do We Pray?

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Why Pray?

Why should you pray to an all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful God? 

If he knows what you need, and he’s all-loving and all-powerful, why do you need to ask him?

That’s a question I’ve been asked a lot over the years. It’s a question I’ve asked over the years as well because the question is absolutely logical. 

The Bible says that God is all-knowing. 

He knows the past, the present, and the future. So he knows what you’re going to ask before you ask him. He certainly knows your need before you ask him. And so you’re not praying to inform God about anything. You’re not telling him something he doesn’t know.

He’s all-loving. 

You’re certainly not praying to convince him to do some right thing that he wouldn’t have done otherwise. It’s not like you’re having to persuade God to do the right thing, even as if you could. 

He’s all-powerful.

It’s not like your prayer is going to compel him to do something. You’re not going to be able to make him do what you want him to do just because you pray, just because you ask. 

So, if that’s the case, then why pray at all? 

If God already knows your needs, if he’s loving and powerful enough to do the right thing always, then why is it that we, in fact, need to pray?

Today, ponder that question—even pray about it.

Why do you need to pray?

Over the next four days, we’ll discuss just that.


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