Bible Trek | Easter Series Mostra

Bible Trek | Easter Series

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Jesus Re-imagines the Passover meal 

Jesus took a piece of bread, gave a prayer of thanks, broke it and gave it to his disciples. ‘Take it,’ he said, ‘this is my body.’ (Mark 14.22 GNB) 

Look around 

The Upper Room, where Jesus celebrated a final meal with his friends, is traditionally thought to be on a hill outside Jerusalem: Mount Zion. God’s temple and the king’s palace are both on Mount Zion; heavenly and earthly rule meet here. The traditional site of the Upper Room is also above what may have been the tomb of King David, who once unified the nation of Israel. Jesus, David’s royal heir, will restore Roman-occupied Zion. But how?  

Jesus and his friends celebrate the Passover meal to commemorate Israel’s escape from Egyptian slavery. He likens the bread and wine they share to his own body and blood. By covering the doorposts of their dwellings with the blood taken from the broken bodies of slaughtered lambs, the Israelites were spared by an angel of death taking revenge on their Egyptian oppressors. Jesus is about to become the lamb whose body is broken and blood is shed to free humanity, not from Egyptian or Roman rule, but from the slavery of sin and death. He is a spiritual, not a political saviour, not just for Israel, but the world.  

Stepping closer 

As humans, we associate meals with remembrance. Some meals take us back to our childhood, some remind us of lost loved ones and others cast us back to moments of real celebration. God knows this. He made us this way. And that’s why on the night he brought Israel out of Egypt, he made sure Israel weren’t having take-out. He prescribed the menu for a meal that they’d never forget. All over the world the practice and story told is the same today.  

That Thursday night Jesus changed everything. The Passover was not to be just in memory of Israel’s liberation from Egypt but it was to be in memory of him. He is the Exodus. On the cross, the New Testament says, ‘Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed’ (1 Corinthians 5.7).  

Through a meal, God made sure Israel would not forget who they were. Have you forgotten who you are? Whether you feel it or not, remind yourself that you are forgiven and free because of Jesus. Death passed through him, so it could pass over you.  

Dare to remember today. 


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Bible Trek | Easter Series

Through a series of short films, trek with Andrew Ollerton (author of The Bible Course) and discover the sites where Bible events took place. With historical notes and reflections, see why these stories matter today. The Easter Series takes you from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection. Experience the story of Easter, visit key locations and experience the week that changed everything. [Watch out for further series’ throughout 2021].
