Six Steps to a More Engaging Prayer LifeMostra

Six Steps to a More Engaging Prayer Life

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A – Acknowledge Your Dependence on The Father

As I said earlier, Jesus was continually nurturing His relationship with His Father. In fact, He mentioned His dependence or relation to God over 200 times throughout the gospels. Regarding the Lord’s prayer, we should notice that Jesus did not direct us to pray to Him, or to the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus said our model prayer should be “our Father…thy kingdom, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” See, when we speak Jesus’ name in prayer, it affords us access to the Father. Jesus literally did nothing on earth outside of the Father’s approval and He learned of the Father’s will through constant dialogue with Him.  Listen to John 5:19,20 “Jesus gave them this answer: ‘Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what he sees His Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows Him all He does. Yes, and He will show him even greater works than these so that you will be amazed.’” 

Not only did Jesus completely rely on the Father, Jesus is the gateway to knowing the Father! Matthew 11:27 says, “All things have been delivered to Me by My Father and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.” As you pray, access Father God through Jesus’ name and lean into Him to speak to you and reveal His will for what you are praying for!

Prayer: God, Your Word says except we are to be as a little child, I cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Show me what true and daily dependence on you looks like and give me grace to cast every care upon You.  

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Six Steps to a More Engaging Prayer Life

John Wesley is credited for saying, “God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it.” Although we may or may not be called to pioneer a global Christian reformation, prayer gives us immediate access to God. This miracle-working God is longing to meet us in prayer to partner with Him in reforming our spheres of influence! This plan includes an acrostic to help you bolster up your prayer life.
