Fasting: Unlocking Your Supernatural PotentialMostra

Fasting: Unlocking Your Supernatural Potential

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The Power of Prayer and Fasting

As Believers, we are disciples of Jesus Christ. While the original twelve disciples were in His presence, they could not fast. Fasting is a direct way to access the throne of God, and Jesus was already physically with the disciples. 

Do you want to get Jesus’ attention? Fasting gives you the opportunity to have a direct conversation with him. We no longer have to go through a priest at the temple. There is no middleman. We have direct access to the King of kings and Lord of lords. 

Prayer is the only way to release the supernatural power of God into your relationships, your business…into every aspect of your life. Prayer is the key that unlocks the gates of heaven and closes the gates of hell. When you kneel down to pray, every demon in hell trembles at the mention of the mighty name of Jesus. Combine fasting with your prayer life and get ready to see a supernatural outpouring.

Why pray and fast? Because some things need to be communicated in a very direct and sincere fashion. Some circumstances in life are dire, they are make-or-break situations that only God can manipulate in such a way that will bless and not destroy you. What the enemy means for evil, God can use for good. When heaven sees that you’re fasting and praying, they know that what is on your heart is of utmost importance. You are looking for heaven to move on your behalf in a very real and powerful way. 

While some choose to fast as a dietary decision, fasting for spiritual reasons is quite different. The Bible’s definition of fasting is to intentionally abstain from something that comforts you to engage heaven in spiritual warfare. When you fast, heaven will move on your behalf in supernatural ways that you cannot begin to imagine. 

We serve a God who cannot fail. He will make you the head and not the tail. He will scatter your enemies and mend your broken heart. He will open doors for you that no man can shut. Are you ready for that kind of power in your life? 

Start fasting and praying in Jesus’ name. Believe that He is already moving on your behalf, that He is sending His angels to guard you and to guide you…to keep you in all of your ways. Ask in faith believing and get ready to receive your answer in Jesus’ mighty name! 


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Fasting: Unlocking Your Supernatural Potential

The power of prayer and fasting cannot be underestimated in the life of a Believer. This powerful combination can move mountains of impossibility, heal your body, your relationships, your finances, and can rectify what seems hopeless. When we fast and pray, God moves heaven and earth on our behalf. The thing that concerns us becomes our testimony and wins others to Christ. It becomes a thing of great beauty.
