Clarity in Unfortunate EventsMostra

Clarity in Unfortunate Events

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Alas, Clarity!

2020 did bring us the “Perfect Vision” that all the themes promised. How? Out of many, I will offer one way- introspection! We are well-versed in the scripture that states, “without a vision, the people perish...” We take this to mean casting a vision that influences the external. But for 2020 God wanted to influence the internal. 

I believe God wanted for us to see where we stand spiritually. Are we truly on our way to the glorious city, that New Jerusalem? Or have the cares of this world and the lusts of this life placed a beam in our eye? Have we gotten so cozy that we have come at ease in Zion? Or are we truly cognizant of the fact that this present world is not our home? If your personal devotion to God has decreased significantly during these trying times, you may be a victim of these things. 

The apostle Paul warned us that perilous times would come and that many would depart from the faith. The apostle Peter’s encouragement to safeguard ourselves from falling prey to these conditions was to be vigilant and sober. 

Clarity is not just the ability to see farsighted (external); it is also the ability to see from a nearsighted (internal) perspective. How blurred is our vision when we make plans for this life but fail to prepare ourselves for the eternal. 

Demas, having loved this present life, decided to depart from the apostle Paul during his faceoff with death. Judas longed for political power and betrayed his walk with Jesus earning himself the label “son of perdition.” Judas was unable to see the importance of preparing for the eternal and it drove him to a place of no return.  

I pray that we would all wake from sleep to the care and diligence of ensuring that our spiritual man is being renewed day by day and that we are prepared for that great and notable day of The Lord. 

I believe God is doing His best to provide us clarity—His perspective—in unfortunate events: death is highlighting mortality, troubles are confirming our dependency on God, and chaos is dawning peace. It is with great urgency and prayer that we pass this spiritual eye exam. The Bridegroom (Jesus) did not go to prepare a place for His bride (The Church) in vain. We MUST be ready. 

Dia 2

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Clarity in Unfortunate Events

Life happens! However, at times -after it happens- it leaves us bewildered, with blurred vision. Life has a way of readjusting our focus. And oftentimes, that readjustment and realignment occurs through unfortunate events. It is my prayer that we do not lose our identity and purpose when life hits hard. I hope that through your ups and downs, God would provide “Clarity In Unfortunate Events”.
