As for Me and My FamilyMostra

As for Me and My Family

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He Can Do It Again

“For the Lord, your God dried up the river right before your eyes, and He kept it dry until you were all across, just as He did at the Red Sea."—Joshua 4:23

Trials have a way of rocking our faith. They can leave us feeling as if God is distant, they can leave us wondering when/if He will come through. The truth is, however, that our God never leaves us nor does He forsake us, and His eyes “range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him” (2 Chronicle.16:9). The Lord, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, still works on our behalf.

Picture the following scene: The Israelites and all their belongings camped in front of the Jordan River. They had been told that they would cross and possess the land of Canaan, yet before them was a river filled to overflowing which made it wider, deeper, and with stronger currents far beyond normal. For three days, this seemingly impossible situation was before them. Did they remain confident that the same God who parted the Red Sea for their people 40 years ago would come through once again? Weary from the wandering, their faith waning, I imagine the waiting to have been especially difficult. 

But just as God was with Moses, He was also with Joshua. Joshua spoke to them the words of the Lord their God: “By this, you shall know that the living God is among you… Behold the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth is crossing over before you into Jordan” (Joshua 3: 10-11). 

The order was given and as soon as the priests put their feet in the water, the river came to a halt and opened a pathway with ample room for over two million people to cross. Once again, in an alike manner, the Lord provided dry ground for his people.

The Ark of the Covenant, which represented the presence of God, was positioned in a way that all could see it as they crossed. In fact, the priests, who held the Ark of the Covenant, were the first ones to step in the Jordan and remained until all had crossed. This serves as a powerful reminder of the constant presence of the Lord, and that our part is to keep our eyes on Him as we step in faith. 

Fear, doubt, and worry demand our attention, yet when we keep our thoughts fixed on Him, we are given His perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). Remembering and believing that what God has done in the past He can do again is a way we keep our gaze heavenward. Additionally, it serves to strengthen our faith and the faith of our children as we share these life-giving stories. When all the people had crossed the Jordan, the Lord instructed Joshua to have one man from each of the twelve tribes take a stone from the place where the priests' feet stood firm. A memorial was created so that generations to come could know “the hand of the Lord, that it is mighty (Joshua 4:24).”

DIG: The book of Joshua repeatedly emphasizes that the Israelite’s victories were due to God’s intervention (Joshua 3:9-10, 14-17; 2 Corin 2:14). Am I asking God for direction? Am I looking to Him to get me through my obstacles, trials, challenges? Discuss.

DISCOVER: Remember a time when God called you to act in faith. What was it, how did you act, and what was the outcome?

DO: Create memorial stones. Gather some stones and write down those significant moments where you exercised faith and the Lord came through. Consider placing them in a special place in your home (ex: basket in the family room). Continue to add stones and read those previously written throughout the years.


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