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Faith and Hope

Don’t get lost in despair; believe in God, and keep on believing in Me. (John 14:1, Voice)

Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would be sent for a purpose. One of the most beautiful purposes of Holy Spirit being imparted to you is that He helps you to not get lost in despair when the challenges of life arise. He constantly reveals Jesus to you and encourages you to stay focused and in hope. The Holy Spirit equips and trains you to strengthen yourself in the words of Jesus. He also inspires your faith so you keep believing—especially as you experience the faithfulness of God in your day-to-day life. The Holy Spirit is an encourager, an exhorter. He is faithful and His desire is that you remain faith-filled.

It is a good daily practice to ask God to teach you His ways so that you can continually walk in His truth. Listen attentively as He tells you the way to go by following His instructions in the Bible. The way is not always clear at first. Often it will be a way you have not taken before, or it may have obstacles along the path. This is why you need to stay close, so you can hear His quietest whisper or feel His tender nudge. Once you are on the way, taking one faithful step at a time, He begins to reveal the how. How to get where God wants you to be is best navigated by applying His good counsel. Don’t deliberately choose to go off course, no matter how exciting it feels. You may not get ‘there’ that way. Or it may take years to get back to your ‘there’. He does and will watch over you. Just be sure to follow His way faithfully.

Hope will always light up your way.


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Regardless of what your start in life may have been, Jesus has made a way for you to become a new creation. He takes all the disappointments, despair, and destruction that may have swept through your life in the past, and at the point of His Cross, gives you a brand new start. Faith in God’s faithfulness is what makes your faith so powerful. It’s time for a faith-lift.
