Against the TideMostra

Against the Tide

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How to Stand Against the Tide: LEARNING

Think about your favorite school subject. Why was/is it your favorite? How do you go about gaining information about that subject? Do you research, study, and ask friends and mentors? Now think of how much more important our faith is. As Christians, the study of our faith is of the upmost importance. How can we share about something that we haven’t taken time to study and know for ourselves, whether we have grown up believing it or not? 

Imagine that you are walking down the street and you pass someone holding a sign that says, “I believe in God.” You approach the person and ask why they believe in God. The person is unable to offer any evidence for why you should believe. Would you believe anyway? 

As Dr. Lennox said in today’s film clip, we must “investigate the evidence” and questions about our faith. Dr. Lennox also invites us to incorporate science and math into the faith equation. For too long, science and faith have been proclaimed as separate or contradictory entities, but Dr. Lennox encourages us to find answers to our faith in science and math, which are God’s own creations! As Christians, we must face our fears and doubts by trusting that God will provide the answers we need to stand against the tide. 

Talk It Over:

1.  What’s your learning style? 

2.  Have you investigated the evidence for Christianity? 

3.  How much time do you spend learning about God daily, and how can you make learning about Him a regular practice in your life?

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