No Waste in the WaitingMostra

No Waste in the Waiting

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Delay Is Not Denial

In Mark chapter 5, we find that Jesus is on his way to the home of Jairus, a ruler in the synagogue, whose daughter is sick to the point of death.

A large crowd is following and suddenly Jesus stops as he feels that power has gone out of him and the woman with the issue of blood has been healed and she had been healed instantly.

For Jairus, a desperate father, he wonders why Jesus has stopped. He questions if Jesus understands the urgency of his situation. I can imagine Jairus running his fingers impatiently through his hair and growing increasingly anxious; thoughts popping in his head like corn kernels over an open flame.

What is Jesus doing? Why won’t he hurry up? Doesn’t he know how desperate I am? Doesn’t he know how sick my daughter is?

I am certain many of you have found yourselves asking similar questions. How many times have you been frustrated when you have asked Jesus to show up and he seems to be stalling?

Someone from Jairus’ home ran toward him and the crowd to deliver the news that they were too late; his daughter was already dead. Seeing that Jairus was heartbroken, Jesus smiled at him, put his hand on Jairus’ shoulder and told him not to fear, only believe.

I imagine the tone of Jesus’ voice, calm and smooth like a placid lake. He probably kept the same pace, for there was no need to rush. The One who created time is not bound by it. Jesus already knew the miracle that would transpire. 

Jairus had so much faith when he came to Jesus, but when his plea went unanswered, that faith disappeared like dandelion seeds in a strong gust of wind. 

I picture Jairus thinking to himself, “Believe in what? I believed and she died anyway.” I wonder if Jairus thought about the woman that had been healed instantly. I wonder if he felt the sting of seeing someone else getting their miracle while Jesus allowed his heart to shatter.

Once at Jairus’ house, Jesus found all who were there wailing and mourning and he exclaimed, “Why are you weeping? The girl is not dead but only sleeping.”

With such an outrageous statement, the people couldn’t help but laugh. This Jesus must be crazy, for they know that she is dead. At their doubt and unbelief, Jesus put them out of the room. They didn’t have the required faith to be in the room; to witness what was about to happen in that room.

But Jairus was allowed to come in. It was time for Jesus to show him that delay doesn’t mean denial. And Jesus raised the little girl back to life and all were astonished—I suspect none more than Jairus himself. 

I know that there is something you have been praying about and it seems like Jesus is in no hurry to answer. You are frustrated and your faith is growing thin. Just remember that even if it feels like all is lost and that Jesus doesn’t care, he is on his way. It just may be that you and God are using two different clocks.

Nothing is wasted in the waiting. He makes all things work for good. Nothing is too dead or too far gone for Jesus to restore to life. 

Dia 2

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No Waste in the Waiting

What does it mean to wait on the Lord? We wait on the Lord to answer our prayers, to act, to renew our strength, to deliver, to do what only God can do. We wait on him because he is God and we are not. As we wait on the Lord, he changes us, he strengthens us, we learn, and we grow in our faith.
