

Dia 3 de 5

It is this feeling of being trapped that keeps people from reaching their potential.

Not the act of being trapped, but the feeling of it.

Often we are so scared of being stuck that we dig our roots in and remain where we are. We are so afraid of the unknown that we would rather remain stuck than move into something else. We fear that which is new. Growth, change, detours, all of these things get pushed away and we dwell in what we are currently in.

We know that we can’t stand still for too long, but we’re too afraid of what might happen if we take a step outside of our comfort zone. We’re stuck by invisible barriers created by our own mind. We’re stuck on our couch. Stuck at our cubicle. Stuck in our home. Stuck in our situation.

And it is all because of the fear of going elsewhere and failing.

We are only stuck because we believe that we are. There is no wall that cannot be gone through, gone around, gone over, or gone under! If a ladder doesn’t work, then a shovel will!

The truth is that you think that you’re stuck, but you are just in the middle of the journey. Halfway from your destination, and halfway from where you began. 

You’re out on the water. 

The shore is pushing off behind you, and the trees are getting smaller. You can see yourself reaching your destination soon! You think it’s going to happen fast, you’ll paddle for awhile and arrive on the other side by lunch. But the truth is, you’re only halfway through your journey. You’re in the middle, and you still have the second half to go.

But the point is not just about getting to the other side or achieving your visions and seeing results. It’s much more about your character getting molded in the hard work. It’s not the destination, it’s the changes that you go through along the journey!


Dia 2Dia 4