Friendship With GodMostra

Friendship With God

Dia 6 de 9

Day 6 - Laughing with God

Laughing is one of my favorite things to do. Do you remember that section in the “Reader’s Digest” called “Laughter is the Best Medicine.” Every publication had new jokes submitted by readers. Some were duds while others left me in stitches.  

Did you know that God cares about laughing and playing with you as well? What great friendship doesn’t have an element of play or fun involved? I can’t think of a single friendship in my life that has stood the test of time that did have some fun somewhere along the way.  

I see the importance of this when Jesus tells His disciples that unless we become like children, we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He isn’t calling us to be childish, as Paul describes that the opposite of maturing. What He is saying is becoming child-like. Children are full hope. They trust with complete abandon. They love laughing and playing with their parents and relish in what they save over what anyone else says. 

What if we were to become those kind of adults who trusted our God without abandon and laughed with Him and played with Him and relished in what He said about us instead of the world? Who could we become?  

Today, consider things that bring you joy. What makes you laugh? If you have children, what do you love doing with them? What would you love to play or laugh at with your Father? 

Dia 5Dia 7

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Friendship With God

Friendship with God is all about growing your relationship with God. Throughout scripture God has many names. Comforter, Lord, Protector, Provider and on. One of the things He called Himself that really hit me hard was that He called Himself my friend. What could life look like if we live like God was actually our friend? This changed my life and I hope it will change yours as well!
